Grabby Hands Wednesday

Jan 14, 2009 11:08

Hello, strangers!

Ought Nine so far has been a real mixed bag of interesting. Mostly good stuff, a dash of "meh", just a wee bit of rampant consumerism. As a preemptive strike on birthday giftage I bought myself a pair of lobster claw gloves (I can now make Spock Hands!) and suddenly realized that in the last year my definition of "splurge" has really shifted. It used to mean lotions and potions but has now come to mean "bike gear". Go figure.

The Mister is battling a mysterious Stomach Thing that may or may not be related to the Horrific Gastro-Intestinal Thing that a couple friends of ours have. A couple friends who visited us on Sunday right before they fell victim to this Horrific Thing. This Thing has led Victim #1 ask to be taken to the hospital to be checked for dehydration since she hasn't gotten any better in the last three days.

The other option, and the one I'm kind of sort of hoping for, is that we ate a mysterious bit of greenery from our garden that we thought was rosemary, but sure didn't taste like it last night.

If this does end up being the Horrific Thing rather than the Less-Horrific-and-More-Embarrassing Thing, I should be feeling really, really awful in about twelve hours. :eep:

To distract myself, some more items for some future splurge/craft list, keeping in mind that my idea of "splurge" has suffered a drastic reduction in opulence lately...

moop's (and isn't that a lovely name?) market bag

For your D&D lovin' cat.

We recently did Alton Brown's Burger of the Goods burger with our recently acquired half-a-half-a-heifer (doesn't have a real name yet) and I also baked burger buns (pics to come because these were OMG beautiful and delicious) to go with. I'm including this here because they were the most austere-yet-mind-meltingly-delicious burgers. EVER. All we used for condiment was a quick capers-and-shallot mayo spread I whipped up in our mini food processor (and whodathunk how useful that tiny bit of kitchen equipment ended up being?). I keep wanting to become at least a vegetarian, but then something like this comes along and I just. Can't.

Totally not-seasonal, but I just love the super simplicity of this jack-o-lantern.

A knitted, miniature bicycle?
Me loving this is as inevitable as mold loving cheese. Or, um, something.

Speaking of cheese... there's a room in our basement currently home to all the random cardboard boxes of stuff (that we apparently haven't really needed to have close at hand for the last two year) that I sometimes pie-in-the-sky dream about converting into our very own Cheese Cave. Cheese Cave! Oh, the possibilities. Unfortunately, the room is right next to both the water heater and the forced air heater... I'm sure it would take an even more herculean effort than that of this blogger to make the room Cheese Caveable.

Huh. Veered off to a DIY sort of place there. Things must be getting better if I'm starting to think about making things again.

furbabies, biking, knitting, cheese!, rampant consumerism

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