Son of Abomination

Jul 08, 2008 11:17

Figured it was time for a dose of crankiness in list form. All intended in the spirit of deeply-hidden pollyannaism:

  • Getting sick in summer. What is up with this jank?! My "campfire lung" turned "Kiwi Krud" evolved into bronchitis at the end of last week. I now have an impressive death rattle, about three bags of pectin throat drops on hand, and some generic mucinex waiting for me at home. Bleargh.
  • Missing out on the family reunion. I think I'm still a little sore about this. However! I did miss out on the Stomach Thing that was circulating around during the reunion. Grandma didn't catch it. (Whew!)
  • Just for a split second today, I was hatin' on the Excel spreadsheets. Just for a second! And really, it's not Excel's fault. It's how other people are using it. So really my pathological moment of hatred is attributed to Poor Use of Excel, and not Excel itself. (S'OK, baby. We're good again. Forgive me?)
  • Kitten Ya-Yas. Very cute for the first couple weeks. Now it's become a bit of a problem. Coconut is still not completely integrated with the rest of the household (there have been a few hopeful nose-bumps which unfortunately relapse back to hissing) and we suspect she is understimulated during the work week... which leads to games like "pounce on the skirt hem" or "ankle biters, ahoy!" all evening long once she is released to the rest of the house. Poor thing. We are starting to regret not taking on two kittens at the same time to give her a peer with which to play. We continue to supervise integrated sessions as well as rewarding good behavior. I know it's just a matter of time before she gets her ya-yas out... but it was tough being home sick with a spastic furball last week.
  • Buck passers. I must have a reputation. The buck seems to be passed all the way to me like water seeking its level or something. It's funny seeing it coming during meetings... this Hot Potato task that gets mulled over and discussed and "action itemed" and eventually rolled around the conference table onto my lap. D'oh!
  • Blowing your nose until both ears pop. I'm not even blowing that hard. Dang. Now my alternating nose/mouth breathing (depending on which airways are most restricted/prone to coughing fits) sounds like a whooshing gale.

Hm. That's all I can think of right now. Life is still nominally good. The Mister got crazy sick over the last couple days and has had to sit out the first two days of his penultimate term. Hopefully he'll be able to drag his carcass in tomorrow or else he's going to have to drop clinic, which means he won't be able to test for certification in December. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that.

the mister: lmt, abominable list, body horror

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