The kitten is way past her terrified, shy stage. She is taking over the house! Granted, she's still confined to her safe room and the master bedroom, but she definitely owns the place right now.
Unfortunately Junebug, our usually more gregarious feline, is exhibiting some pretty awful symptoms of Not Handling This Well At All. She hasn't eaten anything (that we've noticed) since Saturday, and she's been hurking up little foamy puddles of bile all over the house.
She's still snuggly and attentive and doesn't show any other signs of possible poisoning or anything, but she's definitely Not OK With This.
Then yesterday she actually saw the kitten (because I was lazy and didn't properly visually barricade the sheet of float glass I have rigged as the barrier between the cat hutch and the master bedroom). Kitten was extremely excited to see another cat in the house and immediately ran full strength up to the glass, pawing (with those ginormous mitts of hers) at the glass in front of Junebug's face. Junebug was at first extremely nonplussed. She went away, then came back long enough to hiss and take a swipe at Kitten.
Sheesh. So much for introducing them s-l-o-w-l-y.
I've got the visual barrier up now too, but fear it might be too late.
Since I can't really do anything right now at work (besides, well, actual work of course), I've been clicking through this
compendium of cat behavior links (edited to add: this link might open a page that plays "Dueling Banjos". Sorry about that - my speakers are not connected!) to try to salvage the situation.
I'm sure it's not as dire as I'm making it out to be, but it most certainly could have been smoother up to this point.
And now, to end this on a slightly cuter, less neurotic-surrogate-parent-note, more kitten pics!
Kitten's first vet visit. Those thumbs!