Misanthropy for You and for Me!

Dec 11, 2007 13:46

I am filled with unease, disquiet, and just a general sense of EFF YOU*.

It's so sudden, so irrational, and so uninhibited that I just have to attribute it to hormones.

It's either that or suddenly every single person/place/thing that I am coming into contact with today is STUPID BEYOND JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS/HER/ITS EXISTENCE.**

ARGH to tha mutha effin' BLARGH.

*Not "you" you, gentle readers. Y'all are awesome, and more importantly, out of radius.

**My little foodie orgy of raspberry liqeuer-infused dark chocolate last night might have also thrown my brain chemistry off a bit this morning. Maybe it's withdrawl. Also my new coffee cup holds an ungodly amount of liquid. That could cause ambiguous discontent***, right?

***More like the fact that I don't have a man-servant handy to keep my ginormous mug topped off and piping hot.****

****No, that's not a euphemism. But maybe it should be. That would definitely improve my mood.

kvetch, always look on the bright side of life, work

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