Mar 22, 2010 21:41
Warning: This has quite a lot of ranting in it, and it also has to do with the mood I'm in. I am highly opinionated, I'm not afraid to actually express my opinion even if it is not a highly favored one because I want my voice heard. If I don't speak up, then who will do it for me? The answer is no one. You have to stand upon your own two feet and that is exactly what I'm doing. If you want to read it, enjoy~
You know, I actually still had hope that America wouldn't become overrun by bigoted fools, disillusioned hopefuls that want to change so much in such a small amount of time, and power hungry people that wish nothing more to further themselves and keep whatever topic is most important to them in the spotlight. I knew that politics could be pretty corrupt, but come on! There needs to seriously be a wake up call for most of the members of almost any political party in D.C. and it needs to happen soon or we're going to be in a worse mess than we already are in. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm pretty ticked about what's been happening recently. I have never been one for politics, but I can't help to voice my distaste over how America is literally going to hell in a hand basket. There are just too many signs of the government trying to go for more power than they should have, and the main thing that irks me still is what ever happened to the voices of the people?! WE are the ones that have to deal with the repercussions of all of these changes, the radical raising of taxes, tuition, and in the process watch how our futures are destroyed.
I am literally pissed as to how easily people can be swayed from one side of the argument to another. I wasn't one for politics when I was younger and I still am not one for them. As I can see, the whole system is just a corrupt, power hungry farce that lies underneath the mask of being for the people. If they were for the people, then where were they when we really spoke out against such drastic changes? Our economy is already fragile enough, but this has the potential to break any mends that were slowly being made and crumble it entirely. I keep hearing that the government wants to help us, but how in the hell are they going to get the money to fix everything? There is a good percent of the population that can't afford any more tax hikes, and that's exactly what we're going to get. I don't care how much someone can promise that there won't be any tax hikes, there will be noticeable changes in some sort of service that we use daily to help cover this huge amount of money that is going to have to be footing all of this, and don't even get me started on how much tuition is supposed to be raised next year for college students in Michigan. I'm just that ticked off about everything that has been happening politically that I'm sick of it.
If this is how I can expect things to go now that the government actually realizes that they can go for more power and most likely get it if they pull a smoke and mirrors trick over many, I'm definitely going to speak out. It is rather hard for me to even get motivated to listen to politics because normally I can find quite a few holes in whatever is being said, but now I'm actually motivated. It figures that I actually side with some Republicans when it comes to my particular view, and the most ironic thing is that I don't affiliate myself with any political party in the first place. I just go with what I think is right, no matter how crazy it might seem to me at the time. The thing about me doing something as off the wall as that is that I actually think things through before I rush in head first and not do the stupid thing and just jump in. I wish more people were like that, especially ones that have a stronger voice within politics. Ugh, I'm starting to get a headache just thinking about this. It doesn't help that I'm a hell of a lot more opinionated and prejudicial when I'm pretty bitchy because of my period, but this is one of the things that will really get me going until I'm sick and tired of talking about it. Then I'll pick up from where I left off the next day, usually finding a hell of a lot more to say about the topic.
I hate to say this, but we're about to go into the direction of being ruled over by a higher power again. With how the government is supposed to take over health care, what is really stopping them for going the full nine yards and taking over everything else too? I know that there is the system of checks and balances to keep everything in check, but we've seen flaws in that system before. There could easily be someone that could see these critical flaws and bend things a bit to skirt by them. Its just a form of underhanded politics that still exists today and will continue to exist. What we need is to work on fixing our economy, bringing our soldiers back from Iraq and Afghanistan, then work on how to solve some of the problems in our totally screwed up system of education. That would be just the starting point because there are a hell of a lot more things that need to be fixed before we get to health care. It wouldn't hurt for people to be just a bit more pessimistic and distrustful towards the government, and in doing so some of the blinders that were cast over the eyes of many Americans could come off.
Damn it, I wish to be a nurse, but with how things are going now how in the hell is that going to happen if we're all screwed over? Education funds are being slashed left and right, and at the end of all of this where will we be? America will be a shell of its former self, never once becoming the shining beacon of hope and freedom that it once held. I don't want to see this happen, and I really hope that others start to realize that this will happen if we don't stop some of these political changes and bills in their tracks. I love living in America, but if things are going to turn out for the worse, why should I stay and subject myself to this? I will most likely be writing several letters to my representatives when I have the time to, and I will keep writing until I know I was heard. I do not wish to see such a great country wither and die like a phoenix that will never be reborn again. I do not wish to see America become something so twisted that I won't be able to recognize it anymore.
I know that I am highly negative throughout this whole post and I have good reason to be. It helps me feel a bit better ranting, and it also helps to at least get my view of everything out in the open. While I actually hoped that I wouldn't have this much to rant about, it just flowed through my keyboard so easily, and everything continued to stack up. Che, I just noticed how this post was nothing but one huge rant upon politics and I haven't even gone into how my day was at all. I'm not going to bog down this post with something like that, so that might have to wait until tomorrow when I have the time to do so.
Damn, I'm so stressed and pissed off....I need to find something to distract me. Off to work on an RP post, then to immerse myself in reading a few yaoi fanfics.
-Corrupted Innocence
slightly amused,
pissed off,