hawlo friends!
quick update for ya'll:
-spain was freaking awesome. i would love to tell you about it...
-but i'm leaving for my 'short term' trip to the Bahamas tomorrow...
-so i don't have much time to chat...
-but i'll be back next weekend...
-so hopefully that works out.
sorry to those of you who I said I'd call and hangout with recently, work has been crazy.
with some freelance jobs, my regular job, and my friend's wedding, i've been packed.
but i still care about you, really.
so when i get back, hopefully we can work something out.
btw, i had this awesome dream last night that my new shoes i got in Spain allowed me to fly. it was pretty sweet. then me and this random girl i didnt know beat up this evil witch lady in a barn and saved the world. but i wouldnt let my friend borrow my cool flying shoes because i knew if she got them she wouldn't give them back. lol. i kinda felt bad. but it was a pretty crazy dream experience - flying around and stuff. then i woke up, whooo.
haha hope everything is going well for you guys. kay i want to hear about india!!
adios. bam.
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