(no subject)

Oct 20, 2011 21:27

Items under the cut: 5

I got past the first plot point! \o/

And, uh, kinda stuck on how to get to the next point point. XD;;; Oops. Which means going through the 'what if-?' scenarios again. On the good side, the plot isn't demanding I kill someone; on the bad side, it's demanding I create another pair to...pair up with Ras and Aldran. D:

I think they're going to be named 'exp2 pair' for the time being. :P

At least I'm hopefully getting chances to create more antagonistic characters?

Uh. I kinda have 2.6k of plot written. XD;;;; And this is maybe hopefully a quarter of the way through the novel. *headdesk* Three fights already and, well, they tend to average one-thousand words when I write them... *headdesk headdesk*

Kinda worried that it's getting a little repetative though. =/ Ras and Ald get called out! They investigate geists! They fight geists! They go back! ... They get called out! Argh!

They can't...really have holidays, because the numbers are that bad, but I guess they can try to go off somewhere while Ras is supposed to be recovering. Apart from the fact that Ald's going to be drawing attention and then freaking people out, because omG, if a khertan and psyven are here, then a geist must be here!!


Okay, why not? XDD Aaaah, poor them. So much to learn!

I eventually had to use Write or Die to get me writing the plot, I was procrastinating that much. XD;;;

*pokes plot...thing* Okay, interesting thing seems to have happened. But I don't know if it makes sense. D: *thinks some more* Okaaaay, it does, if it's assumed that *spoiler* This could be interesting to work with.

I...*snerk* the =/ emoticon is steadily increasing in usage as the plot goes on. XDDD Ras is Not Impressed.

Soooo. Woke up at four again. Went back to sleep around about half-five because I had a sleepy headache. Woke up at seven. The nap didn't do anything. Had another nap around...five? Woke up at seven, felt better. X3;;

Now watch me not get to sleep until oooh, three. :P

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, general: sleep, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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