*narrowed eyes*

Oct 17, 2011 14:32

Right. Procrastinated enough.

New goal: write 500-1000 words of plot per day.

Side quest goal: create names for other characters (right now, the people who are with Ras and Aldran are so eloquently called...exp+ pair. Yeah. *makes a face*)

omg, can I write Aldran now~? He plays with his tail when he's worried! *flails at him*

I still want to give him expressive ears~ omg. But I guess that could be cheating in a way. :P

Hm. Interesting thought: if geists can pull out souls so all they leave is a husk, do they have enough control to only pull out a little bit? Like, bite-sized chunks. And, you know, ever so slowly eat a person's soul. So the person might not even know they're being eaten. >____> Yes, I very much like horror like this. *thinky thinky*
Actually, no, I'm fairly sure I had it that the process is extremely painful so the person would notice. But that doesn't mean a person can't be tied up and snacked upon.
So. Yeah. Possible torture scenerios/what happens to the cannon fodder. >3
Note to self: do geists have paralysing agents in their skin? Or a kind of hypnosis?
Well, this got extremely dark extremely quickly anyway. *wry*

Number of items under the cut, so you know when I've edited: +3

original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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