(no subject)

Oct 10, 2011 22:41

I am starting to think my premise for the master and slave thing is very, very broken. D: Because, the thing that sets this all off, well, it hinges on one thing and when I think about it I'm not sure if that would happen... Also very, very spoilerish (shouldn't find out until halfway through or in the last quarter) so I can't talk it out either.

Plus, I'm a bit weirded out by the uuuh (dammit, really need to make names up!) leader of the 'masters' being essentially, 'Hi, great you joined us yesterday; go with this more experienced pair to see how to use your magic as they fight geists. After that, you can go fight giests on your own. :D' Except without the smile. I get it (there's very little people who can fight the geists efficiently so they need to spread out their numbers as much as possible) but one tutorial lesson and then that's it? =/ Hmmmm. Really doesn’t seem right. Plus, if you've got so little people to begin with, you're going to want to know that new people aren't going to die in their first fight, you know?

Maybe I should extend it to a month or something but… Ras can't wait that long, I don't think. =/ *plot specific action* Argh, rebellious side of her. DX *thinks about it some more* Well, okay, if it's about that instead, maybe I can prolong the induction period. And possibly bulk up the numbers, so the situation isn't so dire.

Also, I can't think of a good way to end this. D: Because the only endings I can think of at the moment don't…accomplish anything. They're very pointless or nonsensical.

All in all: broken. D:

In less serious whining, I'm wondering if Ras and Aldran would share a room in an inn, or have separate ones. I guess it comes down to trust? Though, I suppose people might expect them to room together since they're paired (I'm probably going to end up making this 'termonology' canon since I keep using it to make up for my lack of names!)

*thinks about it some more* No~, I don't think Ras would room with him.

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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