Dammit, I'm seeing way too many parallels between Searching and the master and slave thing. XD;;; *is clearly a one-trick pony*
Or I'm just writing the stuff that I like and putting them into different settings. Hm... I seem to have bundled Marland, Shodin and Fion together and pulled them apart in different places to get new characters. XD;;;
"What is the biggest wrong that your antagonist must do?"
"List twelve reasons why someone in real life would not do that, or would be prevented by others from doing that."
1. Magic is involved.
2. ...
I have other reasons, but those would be spoilerific. XD;; I guess I should pretend this is set on Earth for this exercise.
Or maybe I shouldn't be looking at the physical reasons but at the reasons why they're doing it. XD;; Whoops. *reading comprehension fail*
Ran Ras and Aldran through personality tests. (...Oh jeez, I hope they don't do a lot of running. D: It's going to be 'the other other/another other' all over again!) It gets me thinking and lets me see what I should work on. Obviously these might/will change as I develop them further but anyway~
Ras is an
here's another one) Interesting that they're about beating the competition.
"The ESTP will therefore:
Seek to experience and enjoy the world as it is"
Mostly, I think? lskjdf Soooo need to work on her! D:
"This will modify the way that the Sensing is directed, by:
tending to enjoy action and events for themselves rather than for the company of others
leading to enjoyment of material possessions"
Hee! for the first one, and hmmm, could be interesting to think about for the second.
"The potential ways in which an ESTP can irritate others include:
acting too quickly, without appearing to think things through
focusing too much on the current task at the expense of longer term or interpersonal issues
not taking account of the sensitivities of others
generating crises as a way of getting things moving"
Oooooh, these are all interesting! *____* Apart from the last one - that's just funny. XDD
"As with all types, the ESTP can achieve personal growth by developing all functions that are not fully developed, through actions such as:
developing a greater understanding of how people feel
stopping and thinking before acting
spending time to interpret facts - looking for subjective meaning, and for underlying patterns
deciding on a personal set of values, and revisiting this list from time to time
expressing appreciation to others for their qualities"
*______* Think I need to work these into the plot, oh yes.
"For example, in a crisis, the ESTP might:
use impulsive energy to overcome whatever obstacles get in the way"
By punching it. :P
"Under extreme stress, fatigue or illness, the ESTP's shadow may appear - a negative form of INFJ. Example characteristics are:
going quiet or withdrawing from people
having a gloomy view of the future
having intense negative feelings towards others, which may be openly expressed
ceasing to adapt to changing circumstances"
These are so cool!
Aldran, on the other hand, is an
other link).
"ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." "
Uuuuuh, so, I guess I was wrong about him not really being a literal slave. XD;; He's just... He really wants to do the best he can for Ras.
"When these include Es who want to socialize with the rest of the world, or self-contained ITs, the ISFJ must learn to adjust to these behaviors and not interpret them as rejection."
This could be interesting to work with.
"One ISFJ trait that is easily misunderstood by those who haven't known them long is that they are often unable to either hide or articulate any distress they may be feeling."
Haaaahaha. Oh god. XDDD Spot on!
"The ISFJ will therefore:
Seek to develop a realistic understanding of the world as it is, in the light of what he/she observes
Be pragmatic in nature, constantly learning to adapt to the world as it is now
Observe in a subjective way, selecting and relating facts that others would not, and seeing those facts more in terms of impressions and significance than pure fact"
aifjad Pretty spot on with what I've got so far of him! eeeeeeeee
"The potential ways in which an ISFJ can irritate others include:
not articulating his/her understanding of the situation
failing to state his/her own needs"
The first one, Aldran would ask, the second one...yeeeeeeah.
"For example, in a crisis, the ISFJ might:
find a place of solitude in which to think and work
value the efforts of others and appreciate their encouragement"
Haaa. The first one may be more 'Run away and hide' depending on the crisis. And again, depending on the crisis, the second one probably won't work that well either. Under extreme stress, I don't see Aldran lashing out, more folding up and shutting down. D:
I need to settle on how social they actually are, if they consider the people first before a problem, if they're adaptable. Is Ras spontaneous? More than Aldran anyway. XDD;