
Sep 26, 2011 20:19

Haaaa, started reading the writing books I got for my birthday~ I haven't stopped writing fic (yet) but, well, I didn't have any plotbunnies that desperately wanted to be written ( Read more... )

writing: plotting, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: original fiction

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darkicedragon September 27 2011, 13:56:20 UTC
\o/ Ha, and I thought it would be arriving today! I wrote it on Tuesday and sent it on Wednesday afternoon, so it must have had enough time to get picked up on that day too~

" I think this notepaper is the same as what you wrote on last time?"
Yup! Same notebook, but different...notebook. XDD;; I like that kind and I'd bought a lot of those while at uni - so I'm using the rest of the pages up with fic or letters. :3

"The things you wrote and drew in the margins are so much fun. XD "
Some of the drawings are absolutely FAILTASTIC though. XD;;; Aah, and now I really want to write a fic when Sun and M-21 meet, but I have no ploooot~
Okay, none of the others do either, but they have a prompt guiding them!

"(Wow, that's a pretty awesome drawing of a gun.)"
akjdsf I was surprised it turned out so well too! XD;; Pffft, the page I was using as a reference kept crashing on me - I had to reload it something like four times before I finished.

"I am laughing so hard that when you think of "knight" you think of armor, sword, and...long hair. XDDDD Long hair!?"
Sun, Judgement...sorta, Storm! They all have long hair! It totally makes sense!

"*wonders if that number grew*"
Haha...I think it's grown by about 1k... XD;; Under 8k of words done!

"250 entries ---> 328 entries!?"
I knoooooow~ XDD; And I think the 250 entries is from about half-way through January so I still have more entries since I was updating daily with LSK at the point. XD;;;;

"Also...me, an enabler???"
Yes, very much so. ;p

"How many chapters did your edited version end up as? :3"
I haaaave...14 chapters, and one an epilogue. And I'm spotting mistakes when I'm reposting so this is taking aaaaages. XDDD

"I wonder if Aldoran/Aldan's name will get shortened to...Al! Such a logical nickname. XD;"
Bwahahaha! I hadn't thought of that - I was gearing more towards Ald, if it was ever used. And hm, I really think I should make Sahnras' name Sanras, because that 'h' is really sticking out for me and going 'look! look! Made up name!'. Kinda like how if there's an extra 'y' or 'z' in a name.

"I'm curious what the result of your what if was, the one that blew up into massive proportions? XD"
Nooooo, if I tell you, then it's probably certain that it'll stay and then it won't be a surprise anymore! Though, the way it is now, it's cliche-ish, so it'll need to be changed anyway. Hm.

"You can so have a narrative character who doesn't know anything and needs to learn everything!"
I could, but since the world might be a parallel one to Earth, it'd be boring to discover stuff that the reader knows about, unless there was dramatic irony or something. Hmmm.
Ooor, since they're possibly sharing a soul, some knowledge/memories from Sanras leaks through, so he doesn't have to learn! *_____*

"Time to stick wings and claws and horns on him! XD;; I think I'll be going with claws, slitted eyes, a tail, and possibly pointed ears this time. :3 ♥~
Of course!

"Sahnras and Aldoran both sound pretty fascinating already. XDD"
XDD;;; I don't think so! The plot-thing I've got so far isn't specific to them yet, so I have a lot of 'what if's but they could react in a completely different way and take the plot somewhere else. But a shape is coming anyway! :D
(Haha, Aldoran's original character was going to be quite a lot like Kaito from Yoroshiku Master, all happy that he's met his master buuuut hm. I wonder if he should be more like a blank slate liek Rykatu...? Unless he's borrowing elements from Sanras' personality which, eek, if they essentially become the same person! Or the bond is just for life-giving so Aldoran can develop into his own personality... Soooo many possibilities! :D)

"Set on Torpin!? I am veeeeeery curious if you can make that work! :DDDD"
It could possibly be! But again, if it was, it'd be a foregone conclusion what was going to happen, wouldn't it?


lucathia_rykatu September 29 2011, 08:24:27 UTC
You have the timing calculated pretty well then. I had no idea and just thought, "a week should be about right!"

Same notebook, but different...notebook. XDD;;
I see, I see. XD;;

Sun meeting M-21? I would like to see that happen... :3 Not sure what kind of plot you'd need, but people reacting to each other in crossovers is plenty interesting to me. XD;

Sun, Judgement...sorta, Storm! They all have long hair! It totally makes sense!
They... do. XD; I would've thought Storm would cut his hair short just so that he doesn't have as much of it he needs to dye, haha.

I knoooooow~ XDD; And I think the 250 entries is from about half-way through January so I still have more entries since I was updating daily with LSK at the point. XD;;;;
Crazy amount. Craaaazy amount. XD

I haaaave...14 chapters, and one an epilogue. And I'm spotting mistakes when I'm reposting so this is taking aaaaages. XDDD
Oh, so you're editing again as you post? XD

Ald would be much more unique than Al. :3 Hm, I kind of like the h in Sahnras. I pronounce the name differently without the h, though is it the same for you either way? XD

Nooooo, if I tell you, then it's probably certain that it'll stay and then it won't be a surprise anymore! Though, the way it is now, it's cliche-ish, so it'll need to be changed anyway. Hm.

Ooor, since they're possibly sharing a soul, some knowledge/memories from Sanras leaks through, so he doesn't have to learn! *_____*
Haha, that would make things easier. :3

Ooooh, a Kaito-like character would have been interesting. That's pretty different from being more like a blank slate... XD; I wonder what you'll settle on. :3 If he borrows elements from Sanras' personality and eventually become the same person... huh. Will be interesting to see how he changes then. :O

It could possibly be! But again, if it was, it'd be a foregone conclusion what was going to happen, wouldn't it?
That's true. XD;


darkicedragon October 1 2011, 21:53:30 UTC
Haha, remember, I sent one letter just to see how long it would take! XD;;;

"I see, I see. XD;;"
I make total sense. XD;;

"Not sure what kind of plot you'd need, but people reacting to each other in crossovers is plenty interesting to me. XD;"
I suppose I could have Sun bumping into M-21 and then making his observations but that's...boring. :P I'd want something a little more directed!

"I would've thought Storm would cut his hair short just so that he doesn't have as much of it he needs to dye, haha."
Especially when the previous Storm Knights died because of the dye. D: I guess it's because of the 'expected' image? Poor them!

"Oh, so you're editing again as you post? XD"
Have to go through it once to add in the double spacing, twice to add in the html, and thrice to make sure I don't have broken code and if there's anything that should be changed. The chapters I'm at now don't seem to have as much mistakes as the earlier ones. \o/ Which makes sense, because I've hit the parts after November now. Only four more posts to go! :D :D

" I pronounce the name differently without the h, though is it the same for you either way? XD"
For me it's the same - how do you pronounce it? (I guess we'd better find this out before I change the name halfway through again! XD;;;)


lucathia_rykatu October 2 2011, 04:14:57 UTC
That's good experimentation. XD;;

Hehe, while rereading Noblesse and coming across the scene of Rai's closet again, I thought the design on the floor tiles look a lot like suns. XD /random thought

Ah, a lot of stuff you have to do with reposting! I've reread the first chapter. :D It reads a lot smoother and xeni sounds more sophisticated. XD;;

Sahnras I would pronounce like...the "a" in saw while Sanras I would pronouce like the "a" in cat. Don't know if that sounds different to you. XD;


darkicedragon October 2 2011, 06:41:05 UTC
*looks* Eeeeee! So they do!

And there's not LOTS OF CAPS FOR EMPHASIS anymore! \o/

Huh. I've been treating the 'h' as silent, so I'd been using the 'cat' pronunciation.

*wonders if I should switch some letters so it's 'Shanras'* If she got her name shortened, it'd then be 'Shan', which, is slang for 'mean' here, and has a whole lot of other meanings but I don't think Aldoran is the type to shorten names. The way that he is at the moment anyway. Hmmmm. Lots and lots of thinking still needs to be done. XD;;


lucathia_rykatu October 6 2011, 00:50:09 UTC
Ooo, I like the sound of Shanras too. :3


darkicedragon October 6 2011, 04:34:57 UTC
eeee, yey! :3 I think I'll be using 'Shanras' - it flows a little bit more for me. (And I type it slightly faster. :P)


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