
Sep 22, 2011 23:27

So, you know, finished all the fics I wanted to for
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fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, general: sleep, writing: no true pair

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lucathia_rykatu September 23 2011, 03:47:19 UTC
I'm amaaaazed and envious you finished so many fics! *flails* I haven't even started yet

I'm not even thinking about plotting my NaNo (yet?), pft. And that is why my NaNo was plot-less last year. OTL

LOL! More lists!

Interesting choice of characters for LSK. :3 I didn't think you'd choose Leaf? XD;

Storm & Leaf, "Please promise me."

Are you now sleeping??? Or is it time for you to be awake again...

Or their paperwork got magicked into leaves!
LOL! How did that happen?????? All that hard work down the drain...

Why do I get these awesome prompts, but I have no idea how to write them???
That does sound like an awesome prompt. *____*

Leaf & Storm, tea for two
That is adorable. <3333

But, damn, Leaf would be freaked out if Judgement went! XDD
Haha, he would. XD

*dies laughing* Oh dear God of Light! There's two of them!! Sun would find that one spell that could duplicate him and be the only person that could cast it! Oh jeez would he get into so many arguments with himself. XDDD
Oh dear, two of Sun?????? That spells disaster. XD;

Damn, Storm doesn't know Judgement and Sun are friends, so he can't comment on that.
He can still comment on it!! Since I think everyone probably knows Judgment does his own paperwork? He's always carrying it around!

Going on a mission? But hmmmmm. Need something original. *has already done this prompt three times. XDD;*
What, you've already written three things for this prompt?? XD;

'have added to the number of times I've pissed you off.' '*eye twitch* What are you planning on doing?' 'Nothing! *innocent face*'

lakdjfla Awwwww. But he wouldn't be able to ask! Unless he directs Sun's attention, but - well, yeah, Sun would do something. :3
He could direct Sun's attention to Leaf! This sounds cute too. XD

Not quite, but damn is Sun protective over his Knights!
That he is. *____* *loves that about him*

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee. Leaf to Storm, because Storm's too used to making that compliment to women and he's the more self-conscious one of the pair (as far as I know at the moment) and LKJASLDKFJA] Adorableness!!
Hehehe, you even know who's saying the line already! Awwwwww, this would be so cute!

Pfffffft. Why would Storm want to impress Sun? XDD;;
Why would he indeed... XD It should be "Storm develops a new skill to ward away Sun". XDD

Tao & Takeo, Autumn leaves all around [Eeeeeeeeeeee! They'd never stayed around long enough to appreciate the season!]
Ahh, appreciation for the seasons! *___*

*_____* It was awesome! Lots of cake and there were loads of games and - oh, sorry, Regis, I'll get out your way

It turns out Takeo is Tao's biggest fan... [Haha, really? XDDD Well, Tao really is impressive when he's got a laptop in his hands.]
Well, he can't be a fan of Tao's language teaching. XDD

Tao & Frankenstein, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [*dies laughing* *thinks about it* *dies laughing some more*]
*laughs* XD;;

Takeo & Tao, gripped by nostalgia [KJASLKFJ But, they wouldn't be nostalgic of when they were in DA-5.]
But there must have been some small moments of joy!!

Tao & M-21 go out on a blind date [LKASJDLK Who the heck set them up though??]
Tao himself!!!! XD; On accident! XDDD

[Haha...ha... 'Hm. It appears you've been possessed by something; stand over here please.']

Takeo makes holiday plans, and they include Frankenstein [No, he wouldn't! XDDD]
His plans would exclude him, I bet. =P

Frankenstein & Frankenstein, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [oh god oh god oh god. *is laughing so hard* The good ending is that Frankenstein now has someone he knows is capable - the bad ending is that the world is now tearing itself apart trying to deal with this anomaly]
This is as scary as having two of Sun. XDD


darkicedragon September 23 2011, 12:24:57 UTC
XDD Yeah, but I'm not writing a longfic at the same time (though, a lot of these fics should be longfic - I'm just writing the more interesting bits and missing everything out. Like, reactions everyone has - especially the reactions of people who crossed over!)

"Interesting choice of characters for LSK. :3 I didn't think you'd choose Leaf? XD;"
XDDD I couldn't choose Roland again - the only person he'd have good prompts with is Sun. XD;; Plus, I wanted adoreableness between Storm and Leaf and yes, did I get them! *________*


"Are you now sleeping??? Or is it time for you to be awake again..."
Bwahaha! XD Yeah, I fell asleep as soon as I posted this. Somehow, it took me two hours to do...

"LOL! How did that happen?????? All that hard work down the drain..."
The God of Light willed it to - they've been working too hard. :P *snickers*

"That is adorable. <3333"
It iiiiiis~

"Oh dear, two of Sun?????? That spells disaster. XD;"
He could cause so much trouble and eat so much blueberry pies and no-one would know! Apart from Judgement, because he always knows. And Storm as well. XDDD

"He can still comment on it!! Since I think everyone probably knows Judgment does his own paperwork? He's always carrying it around!"
Haha, whoops. 'That' is Storm can't comment on Sun and Judgement's friendship, and how well Judgement can deal with Sun. XD;;; Should have been more clear.

"What, you've already written three things for this prompt?? XD;"
Yep! And they're all different! XDD

"Why would he indeed... XD It should be "Storm develops a new skill to ward away Sun". XDD"
And Sun is impressed by it. It works! And then tries to get through anyway. XDDDD

"Well, he can't be a fan of Tao's language teaching. XDD"
*laughs hard*

"Tao himself!!!! XD; On accident! XDDD"
LKAJSADF HOW DID HE MANAGE THAT?? Bwahahaha!! They go out on a date without realising it? Tao asks M-21 out without realising it?

>D I want to write so many~


lucathia_rykatu September 24 2011, 01:06:41 UTC
I'm afraid to even touch the prompts actually because all my inspiration says "longfic!" *headdesks* Haha, I see, you're pulling out the best parts to write about!

Haha yeah, all of these prompts seem pretty adorable! *flails*

Bwahaha! XD Yeah, I fell asleep as soon as I posted this. Somehow, it took me two hours to do...
Okay good, sleep is good. =P

The God of Light willed it to - they've been working too hard. :P *snickers*
Time to enjoy the outdoors! Stop doing paperwork! XD

He could cause so much trouble and eat so much blueberry pies and no-one would know! Apart from Judgement, because he always knows. And Storm as well. XDDD
And then people would wonder where all their desserts went... XD;

And Sun is impressed by it. It works! And then tries to get through anyway. XDDDD
LOL! Why even try, Storm...

LKAJSADF HOW DID HE MANAGE THAT?? Bwahahaha!! They go out on a date without realising it? Tao asks M-21 out without realising it?
That would be hilarious to seeeeee! XD

>D I want to write so many~


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