Sep 20, 2011 15:27

I got your letter lucathia-rykatu!! (Yeah, it arrived at three in the afternoon, what? XDDDD) And - and - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! *huggles the poster* Ice making cake! Judgement drinking lemondade! Storm asleep on paperwork (and for a second, I thought that was Little God on his head XDDD:;;;;) Cloud in the corner, but why is Fire outside?? Poor him! XD

As for your picture, all the blonds are on the left, the serious characters are in the middle, and Rai is on the right because he's awesome and shouldn't be compared to anyone else. XDD Wait, damn, Prince isn't blond. Argh, he looks like it in the manhua. :P

And lkjsdlfk your letter made me smile so much~ (Though 'Dark Knight'? omg, Roland please tell me your plan is a little bit more sensible than Sun proposing to the princess! Ah, what am I saying, Roland's plan is going to be about Justice and Honour and omggggggggg~ *glee glee* Can't wait to find out!)

(Yeeeeah, I noticed the thing about M-21's name a while ago when I added him to my interests on livejournal and then looked up who else was interested in 'him'. I ended up on an army guy's journal. XD;;;)

And, huh, apparently my glee broke DW's crossposter - this entry won't crosspost! XD;;;;

Fixed now! \o/

Eeeeeeeeeeee, thank you all for the well-wishes! ♥ ♥ :D

fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, general

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