(no subject)

Sep 20, 2011 05:57

laksdj Can't see the new Noblesse on egscans' main page, but can find it on their twitter page. ANYWAY.

I saw the preview image yesterday on Naver and went OMG.

*flail* OMG. So we did go back to Lukedonia! \o/

LKJSLAEKJAF Rael isn't in Lukedonia anymore! :O

asdlkfjas Does the Lord lounge really well. XDD

Huh. So the nobles are in contact with the Union.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, the kids are hanging out by the window, watching out for the trio! And pfffft, Rai, Regis and Seira are just sitting there. XDDDD

Wait. Awwwwww! We cut the last chapter short! But I guess flashback or Sui'll tell us. :3

XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ahahaha! Regis mind controlled them and they still made a fuss. Pfffffffft.

It's been so long since we've seen the Maths teacher!

*O______o when we see the damage*

kjlkdsjgs Oooooooh? Do we have Union people? New people anyway! \o/

Natsume 38
"If it were me, I would have been a wreck by now."

"A Place to go Home to."
OMG, this title! ♥ ♥

*gibbers* Freaky ayakashi again... D:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Nyanko-sensei wringing the cloth for Natsume! And sorting out his bed covers! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

dlakjds Loooove the movement in this! *_______*

OMG that little black thing is so cute!!
But really wreckful. D:

eeeeeeeeee!! Natsume bumps into Touko!

"But was she really human?"
DDD: DDD: Natsumeeeeeeeeee!

"Do you know how I can stop seeing youkai?"

"So I thought it might be interesting to keep a human as a pet."

Awwwwwwwwwww, Natsume sneaking about! XDDD;;;

Pffffftomg! Natsume made a leaf mask! XDDD

"Some got drunk and hit you. Others 'forgot' to give you food."

"Fujiwara-san really came!"
omg, Natsume~ ;_________;

DDDDD: He fell off the cliff!!

sdlkfjaslkd Natsume crying! ;______________________;

"He's mine now." "He's not as interesting to you anymore."
XDDD Go go Nyanko-sensei!

Wooooooooooooooooooooooo! Madara!! \o/

fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: obsessing

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