
Sep 17, 2011 23:47

So, posting all my finished
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fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, writing: no true pair

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lucathia_rykatu September 17 2011, 23:13:23 UTC
*flails* You've written so many! *___*

You've written Storm 4 times so far, huh? XD; Eee, two crossover ones so far! :3

Storm does just wear a...coat. At least in the manhua version. He doesn't look like he's wearing any top under that coat. XD; But Roland, haha. Well, he can join M-21 in being shirtless. He just already started that way so that he doesn't have to ruin a shirt later. =P


darkicedragon September 18 2011, 05:37:10 UTC
And so many more want to be written! XDD;; Some of them are surprisingly long (and one went in a completely different direction than I thought it would go. XD).

Yep! It actually got to the point where I was thinking, 'Did I even list Adair as a character? I thought I would have been wanting to write him lots too!'

I'd never noticed it what Storm was [not] wearing in the manhua (just checked the first chapter - he really isn't wearing a shirt/top) but I guess it wasn't focused on. XD

" But Roland, haha. Well, he can join M-21 in being shirtless."
XDDDDD M-21 will never feel lonely again! *sneeeeerk* omg, trying to get him into clothes.
*look* 'I don't need it.'
'You do...'
'I don't feel the elements like you do.'
'*sigh* I know, but if you don't, and you come visit us as the school, the school's repuation will go down, and then Frankenstein will kill you. Again ( ... )


lucathia_rykatu September 18 2011, 07:40:36 UTC
Whoot! \o/ Oooh, I wonder how long they turned out. :D

You did list Adair as a character right? I know I listed him. XD; (Almost thought I didn't just now, but waaaait, I already have titles for the Adair fics I want to right, so of course I had him in my list!)

*laughs at the conversation* Oh my, I can totally imagine them talking about that, and Roland would take the shirt so he can spar. XD; Ahahaha, Tao's shirts??? They seem very feminine. XD; And like they could fall off the shoulder while fighting. So inconvenient. XD;; Vests would look nice. XD; He should try all of them on. =P


darkicedragon September 18 2011, 08:05:09 UTC
A lot longer than I thought it would be! XDD

I did~ *checks out the list again* His prompts aren't that cracky. Apart from possibly the Blood Roses one with Sun, But I have a feeling that might end up long, so I haven't attempted it yet.

" I already have titles for the Adair fics"

"and Roland would take the shirt so he can spar"
And then take it off before the spar, so it doesn't get damaged. :P XDDDD

"And like they could fall off the shoulder while fighting. "
*Imagines Roland not taking off his armour before putting on Tao's top*
*blink* 'It's good for protection.'
'Shouldn't you be more worried about your heart and lungs than your shoulders?

"He should try all of them on. =P"
I actually pressed my head to the laptop, I was laughing at that hard. XDDDDD Fashion show!


lucathia_rykatu September 18 2011, 22:48:00 UTC
But I have a feeling that might end up long, so I haven't attempted it yet.
Oooo. :D

And then take it off before the spar, so it doesn't get damaged. :P XDDDD
Oh gosh, but wouldn't he be asked to put the shirt back on? And then they'd just be spending time going, "Put the shirt back on!" "But I'll damage it anyway."

'Shouldn't you be more worried about your heart and lungs than your shoulders?
Hahaha! What is that armor good for...

I actually pressed my head to the laptop, I was laughing at that hard. XDDDDD Fashion show!
XDDD!! A fashion show... starring Roland.... oh man. XD;; I think Tao would find this very fun. And so would Sun.


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