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Sep 17, 2011 23:47

So, posting all my finished
no_true_pair fics, so I can feel accomplished know when I should post them. Also, every time I finish a fic, I get to mess around with the dates! *is far too easily amused*

Oct 1
Leaf & Storm, tea for two

Oct 2
How about it, Frankenstein, did you enjoy Storm's party?

Oct 3
Roland & M-21, Autumn leaves all around

Oct 5
Storm & Leaf, "Please promise me."

Oct 7
Takeo & Sun, "Life Being What It Is"

Oct 8
Roland & Storm, "Let's Face the Music and Dance"

Oct 10
Tao & Seira, "Let's Face the Music and Dance"

Oct 12
Storm & Earth, "Let's Face the Music and Dance"

Oct 14
M-24 & M-21, "The Dark of the Matinee"

Oct 15
Storm & Leaf go out on a blind date

Oct 17
M-21 makes holiday plans, and they include Storm

Oct 19
Frankenstein & Sun, with a cherry on top

Oct 22
Tao & M-21, "Blood Roses"

Oct 24
Judgement & Storm, "Give me your hand."

Oct 26
Roland & Takeo, "I want you to hate me."

Apparently I really like writing Storm? XD;;; None of the ½ Prince prompts have really bit me that hard… I obviously need to fill prompts for the first and fourth week. :P

I was trying to write the 'Takeo & Storm, "I've been wanting to hear from you."' prompt, but couldn't do it with Takeo in the LSK world. lucathia-rykatu reminded me that I can go the other way. So then I started thinking about how people from Earth would react to Storm. Blue hair, essentially only wears a coat? But I guess he's all right? I mean, at least he can cover up, not like… omg, not like Roland. *dies laughing* Roland's going to get arrested if he walks around like that!!

fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, writing: no true pair

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