Because, you know, I haven't given myself ENOUGH to do...

Sep 15, 2011 20:35

I reworked and made a new list for
no_true_pair. Namely, I smushed LSK and Noblesse together. :D :D Hopefully I can drag fans of either side into the other fandom.

So, what did I get?

Week One:
Tao & Judgement, "Please promise me." [You are never going to attempt doing that again. Magic and technology doesn't mix! And, huh, either of them could be saying that. XDDD Or *twitch* Please stop giving Sun sweets and helping him prank every other Knight.]
Roland & M-21, Autumn leaves all around [WHY DID THIS GLITCH WITH M-21'S NAME NOT TURN UP BEFORE? But aldskfjas, this could pretty damn adorable]
Roland & Sun, under the stars [OMG, THIS IS PERFECT]
Takeo never expected to run into Frankenstein in a place like this [XDDD Anywhere that isn't the school or the lab? Hmm. So many places.]
How about it, Frankenstein, did you enjoy Storm's party? [*giggles* omg omg omg, Do we want to know what Frankenstein thought? Though, Storm's parties would be totally well organised, right?]
Takeo & Sun, "Life Being What It Is" ["I stare straight into the sun"
*DIES LAUGHING* How did I get such perfect prompts??]

Week Two:
It turns out Tao is Roland's biggest fan... [He can pull off wearing a pink apron even better than M-21? Hmmmm. Good swordsmanship? Really bloody dedicated to what he does?]
Roland & Storm, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [Ha! Got Storm again for this one. And hmmmmm, I don't think I can do this one? Not unless it's set sometime later. *needs to catch up*]
Tao & Frankenstein, gripped by nostalgia [Well. These two talking about experimentation?]
Takeo & M-21, "Five years from now, I'll..." [alkdsjflaskdjf eeeeeeeeeeee. Still be here, washing the dishes. XDDDDD]
Takeo & Storm, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [You know, Takeo would probably get on pretty well with Leaf, since they're both ranged attackers But hmmmmmm. Takeo offered to do some paperwork? Ooooor, Storm's been hearing rumours and gossip about this group that appeared out of nowhere in Leaf Bud City and he has to find out what it's all about? Something?]
Judgement is being awfully quiet, Frankenstein thinks. Too quiet. [akdsj Perfect characterisation for Judgement, and h- oh, jeez. Judgement judges criminals and hates the fact that he has to torture them, but he does it because it's his duty, while Frankenstein will gleefully take anyone apart who even slightly threatens his Master. Could we get any more opposite? But that's lots of talking and no plotting. I'll cheer you up with ramen But Frankenstein does understand duty and responsibility, what with looking after Rai and the school. Just so long as he doesn't mention he's breaking the law.]
Judgement & Sun, "The Dark of the Matinee" [*DIES LAUGHING* "Find me and follow me through corridors, refectories and files
You must follow, leave this academic factory"
'Dammit, Sun, the God of Light will punish those who are responsible, so stop running in the Church of Light'
"I time every journey to bump into you, accidentally"
*Is canon with the toilet*
"You smile, mention something that you like
How you'd have a happy life if you did the things you like"
"My words and smile are so easy now"
alsdkjfa Since they became friends.]

Week Three:
Tao & Takeo, "Hurricane" ["Tell me would you kill to save a life?"
They've both proved it... Haven't they? *thinks about it* They stopped killed indiscriminately once they switched over. Hmmm. Could have it when they were still in DA-5, in the middle of a hurricane?]
Roland & Judgement go out on a blind date [*dies laughing* That, uh, really would be a blind date. XDDDD Unless we go with the half canon of Judgement knowing Roland when they were training. Sun set them up? Somehow?]
Tao & Storm, "I love your laugh." [XDDDD 'It's more natural and less menacing than the ones I normally hear.' 'Heh. Yeah, same.']
Takeo & Judgement, "Summer's Almost Gone" [I guess these two just talking about the season?]
M-21 & Frankenstein, "Are you frightened?" [XDDD Awesome! The first time Frankenstein started checking out uh, studying M-21?]
M-21 makes holiday plans, and they include Storm [Eeeeeeeee. *think think think* ...Would M-21 make holiday plans? Pfffft. *walks into Storm's room* 'Wha- hey!' 'We're going out - you need to get away from the paperwork.']
Frankenstein & Sun, with a cherry on top [AGAIN. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Sun's just found his most favourite person ever. Sorry Ice, but he makes huge batches! And - and they're so sweet! I don't know what the ingredients are, or where they came from, but they're amazing! oh god, Frankenstein's giving Sun some pure sugar, syrup thing, isn't he? XDDD]

Week Four:
Tao & M-21, "Blood Roses" ["he likes killing you after you've died"
They're playing Counter-Strike again~ Or, you know, Tao being an absolute dork and buying M-21 an absolutel gigantic bouquet of roses, because that's romantic, right?]
Roland & Takeo, "I want you to hate me." [This...could actually work. Since, Roland's got the whole, 'I am a dreaded Death Lord, so I should be feared and hated and repulsed...on', right? And then Takeo'll probably give him a raised eyebrow and go, 'Yeah, I went through that self-loathing because of what was done to me, but really? Stop it.'
Roland & Frankenstein, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [Pink. PINK told them something!! But what, omg.]
Tao attempts to develop a new skill to impress Sun [Bake something sweet. :P Hmmmmm. Hmmmm~ This one's really difficult. He can't help with the Sun Knight person, so what...?]
Judgement & Storm, "Give me your hand." [Eeeeeeeeee~ Uh - uh, you cut yourself on the paperwork? Applies to both of them! ♥~]
M-21 & Sun, the language of flowers [Pfffffffft. Neither of them would care!]
Storm & Sun, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [Storm gets the paperwork, or Storm gets the paperwork and Sun's paperwork because he's bleeding all over the place again...]

I've noticed I don't like writing canon pairings... If I know they're canon, or characters will get together in canon, then I don't really have any interest in writing them. It's just...okay, these people are/will be happy together, but what about the rest of the cast?

laskdjfa Dammit, the seventh LSK chapter is up! *really needs to get a move on*

...omg. Sun brought Roland to the tavern and got him drunk!! Which, isn't surprising, since Roland wouldn't have any resistance since he was training all the time.

Sun, Sun, Sun, using your friend to foot the bill. :P

Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Storm pulls Sun off to the side! \o/

Hmmm. Who is this - oh. Is this the princess?

"Seeming satisfied with me giving an expression besides a smile."

\o/ Yep! She's pissed that Elijah/Hell came back unconscious. XDDD

So, Sun calls the princess 'Your Imperial Highness' and prince, isn't it?, 'Your Highness'.

"Brother Sun was right about this!"
Haha, oh God of Light, Neo's in on this.

Damn, Sun is good if he wants your life misearble!

*snerk at the bull shit* That pause in the middle! Not used to it!

"You're not some perfect Sun Knight!"
Duuuuuuh. XDDDD So, it's only the people in the Church of Light that really know the Knight's true personalities. And that's a bare few of them.

*dies laughing*
'He gave horrible examples - I wouldn't do anything so obvious!'

*raises eyebrows* Damn, Sun's going all out and he's dropped the Sun Knight persona.

Okay, so where was I getting the Church of Light from? PR! changed the way they refer to it, or from the manhua? Because they're using Holy Church now. aldskjfa;

"And if by chance I win,"
Aaaaaahahahaha, not likely!

"Although you've heard my teacher hinting to never do anything against me, you've forgotten to ask what is considered going against me."
alksdjfa Niiiiice. *needs to remember that yes, Sun does have brain cells. XDD;;;*

"Then I'll write my name backwards in my own blood."
*doesn't get it*

Haha, Sun seems to be admiring the Son of the God of War quite a bit. XDDD

XDDD Lots of gifts with precious stones!

Wow, it's been three months since the end of the first novel.

Ahahaha... Great, pissing contest. XDDD

:OOOOO!!! That bracelet is awesome!!

Eeeeeeee! Undead are about again! XDDD

"I think my team has been slacking off lately."

*rolls eyes as the Son starts sweet-talking*

:OOOOOO *is completely speechless* IS HE - IS SUN - OMG, SUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? *dead of laughter* DEAD OF SO MUCH LAUGHTER


*bursts out laughing at the next paragraph* Swearing in front of the King!! Bwahahaha!!


*dies laughing as the gossip already begins to spread* Go go Storm! XDDDDD

Everyone's listening in! omg omg omg.

Tsk tsk, stealing Roland's words. :P

"This is the nature of the classes that is known to everyone."
Yeah. This entire novel series is about subverting that. *waits*


Yeah. I have to read this one! Clouuuuuuuud!!

Two weeks to prepare.

when was the last time I attended a meeting?
*sneeeeeerk* When you threatened them, saying you'd let them die and then see if you could grow tails or 'extra bits' when you tried to resurrect them

*grins at the snarking between Earth and Sun*

*snerk* Under renovation. :P

"If Adair died, I would also die of grief."
Awwwwww. But then you'd shove all the work onto Ed. :P

:D :D!! And now Sun tells Judgement who Elijah is! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Shouldn't Judgement have been wondering where the heck he was anyway?

"Even I am not confident I could beat him."
:O! Damn. Even Judgement's saying this!

"I realised he had gone from 'business is business' Judgement Knight to my good friend Lesus, who will do anything."
*squee of happiness* *loves them so much*

omg, Lesus was buying pies for Grisia at any time of the night! adslkfaj

"Judgement, you are the nicest person in the world, even nicer than Leaf! You will definitely never chop your bestest friend to death!"
"...Are you being sarcastic?"

Haha! I completely forgot that other people would be freaked out by Sun and Judgement being friendly with each other!

"Quit bullying him."
adlkfjd Judgement~

Who was it? Who secretly said 'except for me'? I heard you!


Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! Sun has to yell! XDDD

Ooooh, Cloud is a wanderer and is graceful as a cloud.
Uh-oh. Maybe quite clumsy but can hide it pretty well?

XDDD Cloud's found in the dark places.

And likes reading the fortune telling stuff. XDD

Oh? Ten work documents is pretty small for Storm. XDD Aw.

XDDDD I thought Cloud might be there.

XDDD Awwwwwwwwwwww!! He's been following Sun all this time, but Sun couldn't hear him! *might already be bumping up my favourite list*

Hiding in the bookcase!

asdafkjsdlkfjas;ldkfjasd omgggggggg, Cloud you're so adorable!!

"He obeys all my commands without asking why."

"Whenever you run towards me in a hurry, nothing good happens." Didn't Adair nearly die the last time this happened?

Sun, I have a feeling they were dragged into the fighting, so they aren't at fault...

*eyes start to glaze over at the first line*

"They actually called you a spineless coward who only relies on his good looks!"
That means I'm very handsome! What's there to be angry about?
And they're also kinda right, so long as the situation isn't important. XDDD Plus, replace 'looks' with 'reputation' and yeeeeeah.

Holy knights are best at defence and recovery, good to know. :3

adslfkja Sun wouldn't kill them, he'd paralyse them for life.a aldskfjalskd

*flops* Two hours...

fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, writing: no true pair

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