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lucathia_rykatu September 16 2011, 23:34:03 UTC
If Roland doesn't get money, then he couldn't have paid for Sun. XD; But Pink doesn't seem the kind to just hand off money for nothing, and Roland wouldn't really... accept it?

It's so helpful he's a gossiper. I wonder if his teacher helped him develop that...
*loves the idea of his teacher possibly helping Storm develop that* Though maybe it's just a side effect of flirting with everyone. XD; Or...
"Child, as the Storm Knight, you must be a charmer. This is so that you can loosen lips and gather important intelligence."

In one part it was Holy Church, but later on it was Holy Temple.
That's what happens when different people work on the translations, and at different times, since sometimes the translations are done before terms are settled, or translations are done without knowing what other people used as the terms... *is hoping for an edited pdf version of the translations* :3

I - just - When Sun said earlier about proposing to the princess, I'd assuming he was jsut being sarcastic and that was all it was going to be not - not actually - *dies laughing*
Oh right, he does mention it to the princess, doesn't he? I thought he was just giving an example! When he actually proposed, I was going, what?? Aren't you supposed to only love the God of Light!!?? How is it that you can propose something this outrageous? XD;

But then, who'd be willing to be friends with the future Judgement, who might judge you and - ;_____________;
Awwww. (but Lesus is really too kind. I'd think more people would react like Storm in regards to Sun, haha)


darkicedragon September 17 2011, 05:13:00 UTC
Maybe he kept the money he had on him when he died. ... *remembers what clothes he's wearing in the manhua* Yeeeah, I don't think he was 'wearing' that when he died. XDDDD

""Child, as the Storm Knight, you must be a charmer. This is so that you can loosen lips and gather important intelligence.""

"That's what happens when different people work on the translations, and at different times, since sometimes the translations are done before terms are settled, or translations are done without knowing what other people used as the terms... "
And then someone proof readers might be catching the difference and changing it to Holy Temple, while others are changing Holy Temple to Church of Light... Eek.

"Aren't you supposed to only love the God of Light!!??"
I KNOW!! Why wasn't anyone saying anything about that??

"(but Lesus is really too kind. I'd think more people would react like Storm in regards to Sun, haha)"


lucathia_rykatu September 17 2011, 22:24:58 UTC
Haha, nope. XD; I think I'll be thinking more about this. :D

I think Storm has been accomplishing "loosening lips and gathering intelligence", hasn't he? He seems to know so much. XD; *is plunnied*

And then someone proof readers might be catching the difference and changing it to Holy Temple, while others are changing Holy Temple to Church of Light... Eek.
I hope that hasn't been happening. XD;

I KNOW!! Why wasn't anyone saying anything about that??
Reactions! We need reactions!


darkicedragon September 18 2011, 19:55:33 UTC

jasdlkfa *feeds the plotbunny lots of greens* *innocent*


lucathia_rykatu September 18 2011, 22:26:47 UTC
Nooooo! But fine... let me get a cage to capture it so it doesn't hop away.. XD;;


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