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lucathia_rykatu September 16 2011, 03:46:21 UTC
You have a new list!? OMG, this is a fun list. I want to see like, almost every single prompt written. =P

Tao & Judgement, "Please promise me."
This sounds so fun! *flails* Magic and technology certainly don't sound like they would mix well. (And goodness, Tao enabling Sun would be terrifying!)

...did you end up replacing M-21's name while doing a replace? XD;;

Roland & Sun, under the stars [OMG, THIS IS PERFECT]
That is perfect. *___*

That's if they're even talking. XDDDD But I think they'd have stuff to talk about. *___*

Do we want to know what Frankenstein thought? Though, Storm's parties would be totally well organised, right?
*giggles too* Hm, Storm should have...good parties? And Frankenstein will attract a lot of the women, so Storm should be relatively safe. XD;;

He can pull off wearing a pink apron even better than M-21?

Takeo & M-21, "Five years from now, I'll..." [ ( ... )


darkicedragon September 16 2011, 07:35:58 UTC
"I want to see like, almost every single prompt written. =P ( ... )


lucathia_rykatu September 16 2011, 23:48:11 UTC
Haha, I got rid of a dead character...and replaced him with a dead character. XDDDD At least this dead character can actually interact with people!
LOL! Yeah, this dead character can totally interact with others. Since when we got introduced to him, he was already dead. XD

Oh, sounds like you're imagining the Noblesse characters in the LSK world. XD; (What about the other way around with that first prompt? Someone making Frankenstein's lab explode just by walking through it?)

but if Takeo had been hauling his cute little bag again... Laptop!
XD! They wouldn't even be able to replace the laptop either since there isn't such technology in the LSK world... unless Tao builds stuff from scratch. XD

I had M-Sun1 all over the place. XDDDD I was very confused.
LOL! New character. =P

A tired evening after dealing with Sun and Tao doing something together and dealing with the consequences? XDDDD
Haha, that totally fits.

...They are really quite similar, aren't they. How hadn't I realised this before??They do resemble each other a bit. ( ... )


darkicedragon September 17 2011, 05:04:53 UTC
I suppose the first time we saw him he was alive but still... The first time we actually see him in person and not in flashback, he was dead. XD

"Oh, sounds like you're imagining the Noblesse characters in the LSK world. XD; (What about the other way around with that first prompt? Someone making Frankenstein's lab explode just by walking through it?)"
*facepalm* I have been focusing on the Noblesse characters going to the LSK world. (...Dead. They are so deadWhich then means I can have two different fics for the same crossover prompts! alksdfj Already completed some, but others were giving me problems. They might be workable now! \o/ Which means more writing... XDDDD ( ... )


lucathia_rykatu September 17 2011, 22:20:10 UTC
Oh right, we did see him alive in the manhua in flashback, though I don't think his name was mentioned until Grisia actually recognizes him as the Death Knight in the novel. The manhua did more foreshadowing. XD; Poor Roland... debuting as a dead character...

Which then means I can have two different fics for the same crossover prompts!
Oh dear. XDDD Even more possibilities! \o/ Hehe, anyone who messes with Frankenstein's lab... yeaaaaah. I doubt they'd come out of that unharmed. XD

Already completed some,
That was fast! :D

If Frankenstein was there, he'd definitely be able to do it! XDD
Oh, that's so true. :3

Ha, whoops, I'd been thinking Frankenstein's hair was the same length of Sun's *had made a comment about it in one fic*
You already wrote something? You work fast! XD

*sweat* At least we normally got a short warning when he raised his bow - we can barely see this 'gun'!Haha... he would be scary indeed. Takeo with a bow doesn't seem as scary since bows do exist in the Noblesse world, though not a lot of people would be ( ... )


darkicedragon September 18 2011, 19:54:36 UTC
But it was an absolutely awesome debut! XDD;;

"Hehe, anyone who messes with Frankenstein's lab... yeaaaaah. I doubt they'd come out of that unharmed. XD"
On the other hand, Frankenstein will be absolutely delighted at finding out more data. XDD If his machines don't break trying to measure it.

"That was fast! :D"
I've realised I write a whoooole lot faster if I type, rather than write it out on paper. \o/

"Can't wait to see what comes out of these prompts! \o/"
The crossover ones I've done so far, the Noblesse characters seem ooc... ;______________________;


lucathia_rykatu September 18 2011, 22:30:49 UTC
It was! \o/

Oh yes, he'd be delighted. *___*

I can't write on paper. XD; Nothing makes sense when I put it on paper! But I've been brainstorming on paper. :D I've also been slowly rereading Noblesse (on chapter 45 now) and while Frankenstein's hair looks like it only goes a little past his shoulders (maybe longer if he pulls it straight) the scene where he meets Jake and Mary for the first time has his hair flying out from behind him! Is it longer in the back...?

The crossover ones I've done so far, the Noblesse characters seem ooc... ;______________________;
Awww. Maybe they're not as OOC as you think...


darkicedragon September 19 2011, 05:48:46 UTC
"(on chapter 45 now)"

"where he meets Jake and Mary for the first time has his hair flying out from behind him!"
XDDDD His hair grew envious of Mary and grew! *sneerk* *looks at the chapter* Yeah, his hair's pretty much stayed as that length for the rest of the time. *was going to say something about it's been four years, so it will have grown in that time!* But then, Frankenstein's hair's changed quite a lot anyway. XDDD Or maybe it was just to make a graaaand entrance. XDD

"Awww. Maybe they're not as OOC as you think..."
Maybe, since it's Frankenstein, and an outsider pov, so he'll seem different...


lucathia_rykatu September 20 2011, 00:52:29 UTC
I plan on reading more! \o/

Ahahahaha!!! XD Magically lengthening hair! For the sake of a grand entrance!


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