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lucathia_rykatu September 12 2011, 05:14:19 UTC
Hehe, looks like you got some very fun match-ups too! XD

Sun & Leaf, "Please promise me." [you can do my paperwork if Storm gets sick?]
Pft, poor Leaf...

Judgement never expected to run into Ice in a place like this [XDDD Since they're from the same faction, so this could be interesting.]
Hm, they know each other fairly well, so it'd have to be quite an unexpected place... XD;

Leaf & Adair, tea for two [Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So adorable!]
That would be adorable!

It turns out Sun is Storm's biggest fan... [*cheerleads* Go go do all the paperwork, yeeeeah~! Don't be mad but here's more work, yeeeeeeah~! H-hey! What are you going to do with my pom-pom?]
LOL! Why yes, I do think Sun is quite a big fan of Storm. XDDD

Storm & Earth, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [*dies laughing* Oh! Oh! It's after a parade or something! They have to dance together! *continues to die laughing*]
Eeee! *wants to see this*

Sun & Ice, gripped by nostalgia ['Hey, do you remember when you baked that awesome blueberry cake when we were fourteen? Could you bake it again?' '...']
Cute! XD

Judgement & Earth, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [Pfffffft. I wonder what they could be taking about. 'Stop teasing Sun about [X]. He's taking it out on all of us.' 'Then tell him to stop stealing and ruining my handkerchiefs!']
They do seem to be strange conversational partners. XD; But Sun would be a common topic, haha.

Leaf is being awfully quiet, Ice thinks. Too quiet. [*sneeeeerk* Damn, if Ice think's Leaf's being too quiet-! But it's pretty aawwww inducing. But asdlk don't know Leaf enough to know why he's being quiet!]
Must be something very concerning! :O

Sun & Judgement, "Hurricane" [*facepalm* Sun, you said this was a small spell.]
LOL! The result of a spell, hahaha! Awesome interpretation of the prompt.

Storm & Leaf go out on a blind date [Bwahahaha! But so cute!]
That would be cuuuute!

Sun & Earth, "I love your laugh." [*DIES LAUGHING* Never gonna happen!]
*doubles over in laughter* Well, maybe if they're being sarcastic... (Brother Earth, has Sun ever mentioned that you have an absolutely heart-warming laugh? Why, if you laughed any louder, even the God of Light would be able to hear you!)

Sun attempts to develop a new skill to impress Fire [Bwahaha! But Fire's already impressed by Sun! Uh, uh, 'You can hold your own against enemies! Ack! Don't point it at me!']
So true! He's already thinks highly of Sun. :3

Lan & Yang Ming, Autumn leaves all around [So many years I could cover!]

Arctic Fox never expected to run into Kenshin in a place like this [:D :D The first time Arctic Fox finds Kenshin in the tavern? Or in a bookshop? :D]

Sunshine & Yang Ming, tea for two [Aw. This could be interesting. XD]
Eeee, you got a pretty awesome prompt for these two. XD

How about it, Kenshin, did you enjoy Lolidragon's party? [oh god, oh god! XDDDDD 'I also chose everyone's outfits! *leeeeeeeeer*]
Ahahahaha! I don't think he enjoyed it...

It turns out Wolf is Lan's biggest fan... [Hee! Why he joined them in the first place? Naaah, too early, maybe?]
Hm, maybe too early. XD; Or maybe he just likes how Gui always bothers Prince now. XDDD

Arctic Fox & Lolidragon, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [...Oh dear. XDDD I think I want to write for this one, but I need to think about it harder.]
*wonders what kind of ideas you have for this*

Sunshine is being awfully quiet, Kenshin thinks. Too quiet. [Bwahahaha! Finally! *cough* But also, awwwwwww.]
This sounds awww-inducing!

Lan & Sunshine go out on a blind date [Noooooo! Lan's fanclub and Fairsky!! XDDDD]
Both of them would get killed. XD;;

Wolf & Lolidragon, "I love your laugh." [I know when to hide]
Pfttt! I guess Lolidragon's the one laughing. XD

Yang Ming makes holiday plans, and they include Lolidragon [Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!]
Aw, this is cute! XD

Yang Ming & Gui, the language of flowers [OMG, this could be so awesome if I could make the references Yang Ming does!]
They could wax poetry together! XD


lucathia_rykatu September 12 2011, 05:14:31 UTC
Tao & M-21, under the stars [Awwwwww!]
Sounds cute! :D Though who knows what they're up to. It could be battling under the stars, haha.

M-24 & Frankenstein, tea for two [*snerk*]
LOL, you have M-24 having tea with Frankenstein, while I have M-21 having tea with Rai, hahahaha.

How about it, Regis, did you enjoy Seira's party? [The food was very enjoyable. Excuse me, I need to clean the table now.]
He'd be proud of how well she does! :D

Takeo & M-21, "Life Being What It Is"
I didn't look up the lyrics or watch the videos for the song prompts. Those lyrics look pretty awesome and fitting for these two. *___*

It turns out Rai is Tao's biggest fan... [Bwahahaha!! 'You can kill people in the game...' or 'You can use technology so easily']

Rai & Regis, gripped by nostalgia [Oh my god is this prompt awesome but - but, how would I write iiiiiit? D:]
...sounds like this could be something set in the waaaay future? Nostalgia... about the kids? D: Though this doesn't necessarily have to be a sad prompt. XD

M-24 & M-21, "The Dark of the Matinee" ["Find me and follow me through corridors, refectories and files
You must follow, leave this academic factory" alskdjfs OH MY GOD
"My words and smile are so easy now"
"I time every journey to bump into you, accidentally"
That is so fitting. :O

Rai & Takeo, "Hurricane" [*ducks and hides from Frankenstein's wrath/cleaning* *reads the lyrics* Oh, damn
"Tell me would you kill to save for a life?"]
*flails at the lyrics*

Tao & M-24 go out on a blind date [Pfffffft! This is the problem when you include a dead character. XDD]
Hahaha! Especially when the dead character hadn't met the other characters before dying.

Frankenstein & Regis, "Are you frightened?" [I can just picture Frankenstein's smile... XDD;;]
(Are you frightened... of me?) XDDD

Regis & M-21, with a cherry on top [I HAVE ALREADY STARTED TO WRITE THIS ONE]

Rai attempts to develop a new skill to impress M-21 [XDDD Uuuuuuh, 'I'll show you how to use the tea machine.']
LOL!! Or he can show M-21 how to print out fliers for ramen, hahaha.

So many awesome possibilities! XD


darkicedragon September 12 2011, 20:33:44 UTC
"Pft, poor Leaf..."
And then Leaf would be the next person to get sick. Hm. Who would do the paperwork after that. ...Judgement? OMG. XDDDD

"Storm & Earth, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [*dies laughing* Oh! Oh! It's after a parade or something! They have to dance together! *continues to die laughing*]
Eeee! *wants to see this*"
It might be the next one I start to write, but I really don't know their characters. XD;;;

"Storm & Leaf go out on a blind date [Bwahahaha! But so cute!]
That would be cuuuute!"
I was trying to figure out would set them up, and the only person I could think that Storm would approach to set him up was Leaf. *snicker* 'So, this person is definitely going to show up.' *nod* 'I...need to go now...' XDDD

"*doubles over in laughter* Well, maybe if they're being sarcastic... (Brother Earth, has Sun ever mentioned that you have an absolutely heart-warming laugh? Why, if you laughed any louder, even the God of Light would be able to hear you!)"
asdlkfjas;l *is writing this now*

"Arctic Fox & Lolidragon, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [...Oh dear. XDDD I think I want to write for this one, but I need to think about it harder.]
*wonders what kind of ideas you have for this*"
I don't have any at the moment, but it'd be something really interesting to write~

"Lan & Sunshine go out on a blind date [Noooooo! Lan's fanclub and Fairsky!! XDDDD]
Both of them would get killed. XD;;"
Yuuuuup. XDD

"Yang Ming & Gui, the language of flowers [OMG, this could be so awesome if I could make the references Yang Ming does!]
They could wax poetry together! XD"
asdlkfjas;d I did not think of this!!

"LOL, you have M-24 having tea with Frankenstein, while I have M-21 having tea with Rai, hahahaha."

"...sounds like this could be something set in the waaaay future? Nostalgia... about the kids? D: Though this doesn't necessarily have to be a sad prompt. XD"
D: D: I HADN'T THOUGHT OF THAT!! I was thinking of Rai being nostalgic of when he was living in Lukedonia but omggggg.

"That is so fitting. :O"
I tried to write around the lyrics I quoted, but, uh, they didn't fit together. On the other hand, yey, new genre written! \o/

"*flails at the lyrics*"
*flails again* But I don't know what to write for it~~ D:

"GO GO GO!!"
I GOT STUCK ;_________;

"LOL!! Or he can show M-21 how to print out fliers for ramen, hahaha."
*dies laughing*


lucathia_rykatu September 12 2011, 22:58:38 UTC
And then Leaf would be the next person to get sick. Hm. Who would do the paperwork after that. ...Judgement? OMG. XDDDD
XDD!! But Judgment has so much to oversee! *flails* He already does paperwork whenever he has time too... wasn't he correcting paperwork while Sun was in bed? And then while Ice was in bed? XD; Or maybe it was just one of the occasions.

It might be the next one I start to write, but I really don't know their characters. XD;;;
I feel I have a slightly better handle on Earth than Storm. I really don't get Storm... :'D *pokes Entries 4*

I was trying to figure out would set them up, and the only person I could think that Storm would approach to set him up was Leaf. *snicker* 'So, this person is definitely going to show up.' *nod* 'I...need to go now...' XDDD
LOL! (That would be even cuter, eeee)

asdlkfjas;l *is writing this now*

They could wax poetry together! XD"
asdlkfjas;d I did not think of this!!
And then Gui can wonder about why Yang Ming's marks in his class aren't higher when he's so knowledgeable with flowery language! XD;

D: D: I HADN'T THOUGHT OF THAT!! I was thinking of Rai being nostalgic of when he was living in Lukedonia but omggggg.
Sad fic in the making!!!! D:

"GO GO GO!!"
I GOT STUCK ;_________;
Nooooo. D:


darkicedragon September 13 2011, 11:05:52 UTC
"He already does paperwork whenever he has time too... wasn't he correcting paperwork while Sun was in bed? And then while Ice was in bed? XD;"
Yeeeeep. XDDD I think whenever we see him and he's not punishing criminals, he's got some paperwork in his hand.

"I feel I have a slightly better handle on Earth than Storm. I really don't get Storm... :'D"
Haha, I'm the opposite - I feel better write Storm than I do Earth. XDDD

"LOL! (That would be even cuter, eeee)"
asldkjf But hm, I have no idea how Storm would approach Leaf with the question. Or, I guess, Leaf would see that Storm is unhappy about something, and then just him what's wrong. :3

"And then Gui can wonder about why Yang Ming's marks in his class aren't higher when he's so knowledgeable with flowery language! XD;"
'So why don't you mark poem we did together?' '... Because you didn't submit it officially, and it would be considered cheating if you handed in something I had helped you write.' 'alkdfj Dammit. -_____-'

"Nooooo. D:"
But I have lots of other ideas wanting to be written anyway! \o/


lucathia_rykatu September 14 2011, 03:59:31 UTC
Judgment's just as hardworking as Storm. :D

You've written Storm a few times. Have you written Earth? *goes off and rereads a whole bunch of your LSK fics* I like your portrayal of Earth. XD; (Hee, and I was reminded of how fun Busy Knight was!). I've been going through the 1/2 Prince and the LSK sections on ffnet. The misc manhua section is pretty much all 1/2 Prince. The LSK section is still very small, though if you had posted all of your fics separately, the section would have looked a lot larger (but it would've still been just a few authors). :3

Or, I guess, Leaf would see that Storm is unhappy about something, and then just him what's wrong. :3
Hm, yeah, Leaf might notice out of concern. :D

'So why don't you mark poem we did together?' '... Because you didn't submit it officially, and it would be considered cheating if you handed in something I had helped you write.' 'alkdfj Dammit. -_____-'
LOL! Hehe, that would be fun to see!

But I have lots of other ideas wanting to be written anyway! \o/


darkicedragon September 14 2011, 14:28:34 UTC
He iiiiiis~ *now just wants to READ SO MUCH MORE OF THE COLD FACTION* ;_______;

Haha, I'd forgotten I'd written him. XDD;; ...Wow, that's a lot of stuttering. *snerk* I used the excuse that it'd fake that there's so much, but daaaamn. I overdid it.

XD;; My name is all over the place in the Noblesse section too.

I think I might just do what I did during yuletide - write, and if I get stuck, move onto something else. So, if I get stuck on the other fic, or I finish it, I then go back to the first fic. Hopefully I won't end up with lots of half finished fics. XD;;


lucathia_rykatu September 14 2011, 23:22:18 UTC
We've only gotten brief mentions of Metal and Moon. We still need to meet who was it... Stone? *___*

Hehe, Earth is supposed to stutter! XD; I only wrote him thinking a lot, so he didn't get to display his stutter much. XD;

You helped make Noblesse fics reach two pages. XD

Oo, that's a good plan. At least that'll mean you're writing and getting stuff down instead of staying stuck with something. :)


darkicedragon September 16 2011, 07:57:35 UTC
Yeah, Stone is the only person we haven't met yet. eeeeeeee, can't wait to see him!

"Hehe, Earth is supposed to stutter!"
But it's so...obvious! XDD;;;; Argh, writing self, he's supposed to be like that!


And then I added more because of the new list and now I have SO MANY IDEAS wanting to be written!


lucathia_rykatu September 16 2011, 23:19:19 UTC
It'll take us well into volume 3 before we get to see him, noooooo. D:

Haha, but he's supposed to be like that! Very obvious to us and to Sun, but somehow other people think he's genuine. XD;

You must be pulled in all these different directions with all these ideas. XD;


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