
Sep 11, 2011 14:37

no_true_pair prompts are out~~!

The Legend of Sun Knight
Week One:
Sun & Leaf, "Please promise me." [you can do my paperwork if Storm gets sick?]
Storm & Adair, Autumn leaves all around [Interesting...]
Storm & Fire, under the stars [Hm. Not sure...]
Judgement never expected to run into Ice in a place like this [XDDD Since they're from the same faction, so this could be interesting.]
Leaf & Adair, tea for two [Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So adorable!]
How about it, Ice, did you enjoy Earth's party? [pffffffft. Would Ice be invited?]
Judgement & Fire, "Life Being What It Is" [*needs to listen to the song to possibly get ideas]

Week Two:
It turns out Sun is Storm's biggest fan... [*cheerleads* Go go do all the paperwork, yeeeeah~! Don't be mad but here's more work, yeeeeeeah~! H-hey! What are you going to do with my pom-pom?]
Storm & Earth, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [*dies laughing* Oh! Oh! It's after a parade or something! They have to dance together! *continues to die laughing*]
Sun & Ice, gripped by nostalgia ['Hey, do you remember when you baked that awesome blueberry cake when we were fourteen? Could you bake it again?' '...']
Judgement & Adair, "Five years from now, I'll..." ['Still be cleaning up after Sun.' 'You too, huh?']
Judgement & Earth, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [Pfffffft. I wonder what they could be taking about. 'Stop teasing Sun about [X]. He's taking it out on all of us.' 'Then tell him to stop stealing and ruining my handkerchiefs!']
Leaf is being awfully quiet, Ice thinks. Too quiet. [*sneeeeerk* Damn, if Ice think's Leaf's being too quiet-! But it's pretty aawwww inducing. But asdlk don't know Leaf enough to know why he's being quiet!]
Leaf & Fire, "The Dark of the Matinee" [Doesn't fit, I don't think. XDD;]

Week Three:
Sun & Judgement, "Hurricane" [*facepalm* Sun, you said this was a small spell.]
Storm & Leaf go out on a blind date [Bwahahaha! But so cute!]
Sun & Earth, "I love your laugh." [*DIES LAUGHING* Never gonna happen!]
Judgement & Leaf, "Summer's Almost Gone" [Awwwww]
Adair & Ice, "Are you frightened?" [*snerk* Neither of them would ask the other.]
Adair makes holiday plans, and they include Earth [...Unless Adair's planning something against Earth, I don't see this. XDD]
Ice & Fire, with a cherry on top [... :D :D!! But what does Fire like??]

Week Four:
Sun & Adair, "Blood Roses" [*is also thinking about an investigation that involves roses covered in blood* XDD]
Storm & Judgement, "I want you to hate me." [... yeeeah, not going to get written. XDD]
Storm & Ice, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [What's Sun been telling you two? ;p]
Sun attempts to develop a new skill to impress Fire [Bwahaha! But Fire's already impressed by Sun! Uh, uh, 'You can hold your own against enemies! Ack! Don't point it at me!']
Leaf & Earth, "Give me your hand." [Aw. Kind of. Hm. If Earth's injured, I can see this happening.]
Adair & Fire, the language of flowers [Pffffffft. 'Language of flowers? Why should I care about that?' *isn't even going to attempt his accent*]
Earth & Fire, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [*has no idea*]

1/2 Prince

Week One:
Wolf & Sunshine, "Please promise me." [Not sure... 'Try to keep Prince out of trouble']
Lan & Yang Ming, Autumn leaves all around [So many years I could cover!]
Lan & Gui, under the stars [\o/]
Arctic Fox never expected to run into Kenshin in a place like this [:D :D The first time Arctic Fox finds Kenshin in the tavern? Or in a bookshop? :D]
Sunshine & Yang Ming, tea for two [Aw. This could be interesting. XD]
How about it, Kenshin, did you enjoy Lolidragon's party? [oh god, oh god! XDDDDD 'I also chose everyone's outfits! *leeeeeeeeer*]
Arctic Fox & Gui, "Life Being What It Is" [Got nuthin']

Week Two:
It turns out Wolf is Lan's biggest fan... [Hee! Why he joined them in the first place? Naaah, too early, maybe?]
Lan & Lolidragon, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [Pffffffft! *leer leer*]
Wolf & Kenshin, gripped by nostalgia [jfa;lsdkfja;sldk D: D: This could be very interesting!]
Arctic Fox & Yang Ming, "Five years from now, I'll..." [XDD]
Arctic Fox & Lolidragon, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [...Oh dear. XDDD I think I want to write for this one, but I need to think about it harder.]
Sunshine is being awfully quiet, Kenshin thinks. Too quiet. [Bwahahaha! Finally! *cough* But also, awwwwwww.]
Sunshine & Gui, "The Dark of the Matinee" [XDDD]

Week Three:
Wolf & Arctic Fox, "Hurricane" [They're sparring against each... Yeah. Warrior vs Priest. Maybe not.]
Lan & Sunshine go out on a blind date [Noooooo! Lan's fanclub and Fairsky!! XDDDD]
Wolf & Lolidragon, "I love your laugh." [I know when to hide]
Arctic Fox & Sunshine, "Summer's Almost Gone" {*snicker at the similarities*]
Yang Ming & Kenshin, "Are you frightened?" ['I mean you might-' 'I've beaten a mob twice the size.' 'R-right...']
Yang Ming makes holiday plans, and they include Lolidragon [Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!]
Kenshin & Gui, with a cherry on top [*snerk snerk*]

Week Four:
Wolf & Yang Ming, "Blood Roses" [XDDD]
Lan & Arctic Fox, "I want you to hate me." [Yeeeeah, no. X3]
Lan & Kenshin, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [What did Sunshine or Lolidragon tell them? XDD]
Wolf attempts to develop a new skill to impress Gui [I have a skill that means you don't die as often!]
Sunshine & Lolidragon, "Give me your hand." ['Now, I want you to touch thi-' 'Lolidragon!' 'Whaaaaaat?' *Lan drags Sunshine to safety*]
Yang Ming & Gui, the language of flowers [OMG, this could be so awesome if I could make the references Yang Ming does!]
Lolidragon & Gui, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" ['Okay, you can wear the swimming trunks or else I'll [something]' *needs to find the right chapter*]

Week one
Rai & M-24, "Please promise me." [That you'll look after M-21]
Tao & Frankenstein, Autumn leaves all around [So what are they doing here in Spring?]
Tao & M-21, under the stars [Awwwwww!]
Takeo never expected to run into Regis in a place like this [Hmmmmmm. Regis is looking at Takeo's gun collection?]
M-24 & Frankenstein, tea for two [*snerk*]
How about it, Regis, did you enjoy Seira's party? [The food was very enjoyable. Excuse me, I need to clean the table now.]
Takeo & M-21, "Life Being What It Is" ["You would do anything,
you'd give up everything,"
"I'll say to you,
its not your fault."

Week Two:
It turns out Rai is Tao's biggest fan... [Bwahahaha!! 'You can kill people in the game...' or 'You can use technology so easily']
Tao & Seira, "Let's Face the Music and Dance" [asldkjfas So adorable!!]
Rai & Regis, gripped by nostalgia [Oh my god is this prompt awesome but - but, how would I write iiiiiit? D:]
Takeo & Frankenstein, "Five years from now, I'll..." [still be here, eating ramen...]
Takeo & Seira, "I've been wanting to hear from you." [Hmmmm.]
M-24 is being awfully quiet, Regis thinks. Too quiet. [*dies*]
M-24 & M-21, "The Dark of the Matinee" ["Find me and follow me through corridors, refectories and files
You must follow, leave this academic factory" alskdjfs OH MY GOD
"My words and smile are so easy now"
"I time every journey to bump into you, accidentally"

Week Three:
Rai & Takeo, "Hurricane" [*ducks and hides from Frankenstein's wrath/cleaning* *reads the lyrics* Oh, damn
"Tell me would you kill to save for a life?"]
Tao & M-24 go out on a blind date [Pfffffft! This is the problem when you include a dead character. XDD]
Rai & Seira, "I love your laugh." [...We have never heard any of them laugh. Or talk, really. XDD]
Takeo & M-24, "Summer's Almost Gone" [*snerk*]
Frankenstein & Regis, "Are you frightened?" [I can just picture Frankenstein's smile... XDD;;]
Frankenstein makes holiday plans, and they include Seira [Interestttting.]
Regis & M-21, with a cherry on top [I HAVE ALREADY STARTED TO WRITE THIS ONE]

Week Four:
Rai & Frankenstein, "Blood Roses" [Master! Look what I got you! XD;;]
Tao & Takeo, "I want you to hate me." [Pfffft.]
Tao & Regis, "[He/She] told me the same thing." [Dammit, M-21! I can hear you snickering from here!']
Rai attempts to develop a new skill to impress M-21 [XDDD Uuuuuuh, 'I'll show you how to use the tea machine.']
M-24 & Seira, "Give me your hand."
Frankenstein & M-21, the language of flowers [*suddenly starts thinking about Tamaki* So, M-21 asks an innocent question and then Frankenstein goes overboard in his explanation, as per usual. XDD]
Seira & M-21, "The Good End" or "The Bad End" [Hmmmm.]


fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, writing: no true pair, fandom: 1/2 prince

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