(no subject)

Sep 06, 2011 07:41

omg, bwahaha, Nyanko-sensei~~!

"Old trees struck by lightning often produce otherworldly sake."
XDDD Yep, he'd definitely want to find it then.

Tanuma! \o/

Natsume's gonna get tackled, isn't he?

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Protective Tanuma! :D :D!!

"Thank you, Tanuma, but don't try to protect me! I don't want anything to happen to you!"
"Yeah... But I don't want anything to happen to you either."
*Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* LOVE

Awwwwwww as they smile at each other.

Nyanta-sensei! It's Ponta! Ponta! XDDDDDD

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww omg Nyanko-sensei waving at Tanuma! His eyes!

"While my 'bodyguard' was drinking himself stupid."
omg, Natsume's face! *sqqquuuuuuueeeeeeeeee* XDDD

Wow, there's suddenly a lot of movement in this episode. :D

alkdsjf Tanuma's posessed eyes are awesome. *_____*

"Don't tell me to go back."
"Yeah, I won't."

*Tanuma crowds Natsume."
"I told you to stand back."
"I am standing back - I'm just taller than you."
Bwahaha! Oh, jeez. Cute!

adklfjas;d lfasdj; Oh holy shit is Tanuma's posessed!voice awesome. ♥_____♥

Awww, Taki can't see the mirror that well.

oapsiejflaksj WHAT. TWO-PARTER? Noooooooooooo~

"I don't care if you're the Son of the God of War or not, I'm going to kick your ass!"

"Plotting revenge not only requires long-term scheming, but must also be done in complete secrecy. He must die horribly without realising who the culprit was. Thus, I decided...to solve the problem of Knight-Captain Hell first."
Oh, Sun. But yessssss, focusing on Hell!

*dies laughing at Sun's explanation of 'all-purpose handsome'*

"Such people are suitable for doing any job; especially sales, fraud, and similiar professions."
*dies laughing*

I was wondering this. Would Sun be able to get Hell on the first time around?

'If I find out that the Pope has been mistreating you, leaving you no choice but to resign, he is dead!

"The little princess and I have been playmates since we were young"

lakdsjf Hell seems adorable. But this is Legend of Sun Knight, so I wonder what he's really like.

"What a smart princess! It seemed that Her Highness was not to be underestimated."

"...I nearly forgot about the curse every time I apply the mask."
*laughed out loud*

aslkdfja Waaaaaay too long a sentence.

*dies laughing when Judgement sees the colour of Sun's face mask*

*dies laughing* One half green, one half pink!!

Pfffft. Yeah, blueberries are totally Sun's favourite. Blueberry chocolate! XDDD

Those are not questions, Sun. :P

"Once he hears something suspicious, he reflexively starts contemplating the truth behind the scenes."
Heeeeeeee. And Sun, you manipulator. :P

asldkfja;lskdjf JUDGEMENT MENTIONED - no wait, everyone knows the - ooooh, the Death Knight was Roland. alskdjf Been waaaaay too long, can't remember who knows what.

"For example, you could grow an extra pair of horns on your head, a tail on your backside-"
But those are coooooool! And I just got a plotbunny for how someone can grow wings! :D!

"-or large breasts even though you are male. A woman may gain an extra..."

*snerk* Sun blaming the Monastary of the God of War.

Aaaaaahahahahaa! Sun was about to go out without taking the mask off!!

XDDD Aaaah, Sun can't find his own Platoon!

"as all the warriors of the Monastary of the God of War only know how to fight and probably don't have eyes"
*dies laughing*

*facepalm* So that's how they know Elijah. Oh, poor him! D:

Bwahaha! Sun wanting to tell Adair to give the Sun Knight Platoon language education! XDDDDDDDD

So, seventh time Sun pissed off Storm was when he slapped him multiple times across the face when he was drunk. sldkfja;sd

...Why are they acting like Judgement came into the tavern? Although, if judgement came into the tavern, it'd be completely silent, wouldn't it?

*anticipatory grin* Oooooh?

Oh, damn, is this Hell?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *rolling on the ground laughing* It is! It is!!

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So, uh, Hell and the princess are more than just friends then, and that'd be why he doesn't want to leave the royal family.

*laughs out loud* You're going to out Hell as having a relationship with the princess so that she can't marry the Son of the God of War? Or at least spread rumours? Oh, jeez, Storm's going to get dragged in, isn't he?

Ten bottles of hard liquor, Sun? :P Hope they think it's for everyone.

jaldskfja Sun drank the entire bottle in one swing. Oh my God of Light!!

Oh, Sun, you really have no idea, do you? XDD

*dies laughing* And Sun wants to go in again for more

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Was watching Kanji's social link last night, because the guys are Giant Bomb weren't able to complete his in time and - just - oh my gooood, Kanji you utter defensive dork. He's totally my favourite character of Persona 4. I laughed so much at this clip! And the end, bwahahaha!

general: videos, fandom: natsume's book of friends, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, fandom: persona 4

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