(no subject)

Sep 05, 2011 09:35

The thing?

'Please save me from the monsters. Haven't done this in a while.'
XDD Hmm, nope.

"Today we're answering from the call from the scariest place in the universe: a child's bedroom."

Crack in the waaaaaaall

Awwwwww, Rory would get the landlord, wouldn't he? XDD

"Maybe we should let the monsters gobble him up."
omg, what was with Rory's voice there!? XDD

Bwahahaha! Superlift! XDD

:O They're gone!

XD Rory keeps a torch on him at all times?

"We're dead, aren't we?"
*bursts out laughing* Oh Rory

"We're dead. Again!"

"Some time...slippy thing."

XDD Amy now has a weapon!

...omg, it'll be the real social worker!

Amy's light is seriously useless.

And it's not the social worker.

"There's nothing to be af - off the scale. o_______o"

Are they in a doll house? Possibly in the cupboard?

"You see these eyes? They're old eyes."
Cheeeeeeesy. XDD

Huh. Different ways to enter/get there?

"This is weird."
"Yeah, says the time-travelling nurse."

XDD Alex is getting into it now.

Dollhouse in the cupboard! \o/

*slow grin* omg omg omg. George has only been there for a couple of months? Weeks? Days?

"Claire can't have kids!!"
oooooooooooh! :O

Yeah, okay. So the old woman passed by his window, so did Amy and Rory, the landlord seemed scary, and now his dad and the Doctor are scary. So they get sucked intot he dollhouse. :3

oh god. omg omg, they're turning him into a doll! Which means the other dolls used to be people too! :O

"Take it all back. Panic now."
*nod nod*

"We went into the cupboard"
And this certainly isn't Narnia.

"How can it be bigger in here?"
"More common than you think, actually."

"Just a mirror."

Five lights. They're on the fifth floor?

*looks at the time* Dammit, is this a two-parter?

"I've got to invent a setting for wood; it's embarrassing!"
XDDD Yeeeeep.

A Tenza?


"Whatever you are, whoever you are, you're my son."
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ♥♥♥

Ooooh, this is where Alex finds out that Claire didn't call for - wait, no, that's already been cleared up. Never mind.

Alphas 1x08
D: okay, that guy's creepy.

*headtilt* It looks like there's a dead body on the ground when the guy walks down the aisle.


Oh. O_____o Oh. So it was a dead body on the ground.

Kyaaaaaaa, Rosen reading all the titles. XDD

:O Aww, poor Cameron!

Pfft, Rosen gets the alcohol. XDD

Oh, there's the trinket again.

wiinnnnnggggggggs!! For, like, a second. :P

"They're all talking about us."
"Of course we are - we're special."

\o/ Rachel's asserting herself!

Oooh, Nina's pushing doesn't work on Jonah.

"I always say what's on my mind, and, you should learn from me."
Awwwwwww. ♥ ladfkj;sl

"And I won't stop talking until you do go, okay?"
alekfjd;lskjf; Awwwwwwwwww

*dies laughing at the brushing of the hands, the swelling music, the glances*

...? Every time one has sex, one dies?

Huh. How can you tell that a person's really dyhedrated from a glance? The lips and paleness?

Uh, and one of them's dead. D:

"I have studied people like you."
That...sounds off. =/

"Oh, this is a little...awkward."
*bursts out laughing* Yeeeeeeeeep.

Huh. I'm starting to agree with the WMG page on tvtropes - I think Rosen is an alpha.

"There's a neurological explanation for all of this."
Of course there is in this show. :3

Heeee! Rachel with her hands on her hips! :D

Or does the dad already know?

Ooooooo, the messed with Rosen's car.

Tsh, blaming Rosen. :P

Hah! He just gave them another drug!

How do they have signal now?

Rachel should start smelling that soon.

Heh, Bill's ability is affected. Which, again, could be why Rosen didn't want to see Jonah's light.

Where are they getting all this petrol from? O___o

Ooooooooo! The gun!

:O Rosen wasn't affected!

And he pulled out the gun!!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, when Rachel and her dad talk, but bwahahahaha since now all the family was Rachel to look at them. XDDDD

"I was aiming for his chest."
Knew it.

fandom: alphas, fandom: doctor who

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