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darkicedragon August 30 2011, 13:51:19 UTC
Yeah, same here. Though, everyone's now back on Earth where Crombell can get them. D:

"I guess they wanted to tease us with what's to come before ending the arc. XD;"
Hee! Hmm, yeah, they did that at the end of the other arcs too.

"Pft, I didn't even notice the guy said "Because I'm a member of the Central Order". That is just hilarious. XD; I love how they repeat that."
XDDDDD;;; That would be because I added it in.

"Regis knocked out a bunch of people to save them, didn't he? XD;"
Aaaah, yeah, he did. X3

"Frankenstein's pretty angry at Gejutel. Never forgetting is quite a long time!"
Frankenstein definitely isn't going to die of old age, so unless someone kills him...*snerk*

"Portable Stakes. XDDDD I just love the ring of that. It'd make a nice title for a fic... XD; Too bad I don't have an idea to go along with the title!"
Someone goes a-vampire hunting with actual portable stakes and finds Rai. I have no idea what happens next, but if Frankenstein is anywhere near at the time...

"Makes me feel nostalgic, especially because I really started liking Noblesse because of Rai's similar response to ramen in the cafeteria all those chapters ago. Nice of them to bring that in again! :D"
Yesssss, so cute! They already had Gejutel react to the maths teacher!

"I looooove that Rai thinks of S.Korea as his home! The school! The kids! The ramen! XD And yay for the kids showing up again"
asdklfjas So much love! :D :D

" The girls call Tao and Takeo "oppa". XD;"
:O I didn't notice that! And M-21's still 'Ajussi', aw. XDDD

"Hm, this might be a good chance to reread some of Noblesse since there isn't a new chapter next week. XD;"
I'm sort of half doing that anyway because of Travel the World~ XDDD (aaaah, don't need more plotbunnies!)



lucathia_rykatu August 30 2011, 22:08:14 UTC
What can Crombell do... though he does seem to be pretty self assured... and I suppose if Frankenstein was able to become so strong, someone else might be able to achieve something comparable...

XDDDDD;;; That would be because I added it in.
LOL! I really thought it was part of it. =P

Someone goes a-vampire hunting with actual portable stakes and finds Rai. I have no idea what happens next, but if Frankenstein is anywhere near at the time...
Hahaha, I don't think those stakes would do any damage, unless they were really sharp and used as projectiles...

:O I didn't notice that! And M-21's still 'Ajussi', aw. XDDD
I guess this means Tao and Takeo appear younger to them... poor M-21. Does he look the oldest, really? And they still think Rai is a student.... how does this work? XD;

I want Noblesse in print format. Then it'd be so much easier to reread. :3;;


darkicedragon September 11 2011, 21:40:08 UTC
He's probably been upgrading himself...

"and I suppose if Frankenstein was able to become so strong, someone else might be able to achieve something comparable..."
Crombell does have at least some of Frankenstein's notes... D:

"I guess this means Tao and Takeo appear younger to them... poor M-21. Does he look the oldest, really?"
He has silver hair! And...uh, the scar helps too...? Tao definitely acts younger than M-21 and...I have no idea about Takeo. He has the 'cool long hair' look?

jdalksdj Totally~ Even if I can't read any of it, at least I'd be able to guesstimate where the information is better and flick through it a whole lot easier!


lucathia_rykatu September 12 2011, 05:30:54 UTC
I can't wait to see what direction Noblesse takes when it comes back. :D Is Crombell going to be a formidable opponent or not? XD

He does... and he can still experiment on other people too...

Takeo feels a bit older than Tao to me because of the way they act. And he seems like an older brother type. Haha, cool long hair look. XD;


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