(no subject)

Aug 17, 2011 07:33

*laughs* lucathia-rykatu! The same person wrote for us! XDDD

The authors for
parallelsfic have been revealed! *squees*

As the date got closer to the sigh-ups closing, I didn't see any requests for any of the fandoms I'd offered, so I quickly started a new series just in case.

Yes. Because, somehow, in my mind, a twenty-six episode series can be watched quickly. But then, Ayatsuri Sakon was the first fandom I found that I actually had access to and liked. XDD;;

I really enjoyed watching this series; it's about a boy called Sakon who travels around with his best friend, Ukon - who's a puppet. I found the way they were together really interesting to watch as I tried to figure out how exactly Sakon thought of Ukon (A puppet to use to talk to people normally? A puppet as a soundboard for his ideas? A puppet who he can use as a devil's advocate/different point of view? Or does he really see Ukon as a separate person from himself?). Together, they stumble across murders and solve them. :3

I wrote two fics for this exchange, both for Ayatsuri Sakon: one main assignment and one pinch hit.

Normal (725 words) for therck.
I again, completely fail on the titles, but I don't think I'm focusing on them as much as I used to - I only check if I'm going to end up with a double in my tags and then carry on.

Though, there was a reason this was called 'Normal': there was originally going to be three murders in this fic. XDDD One before they reached their destination, one when they were at the destination, and another one when they left (I hadn't an idea where they were going for a while). I didn't put in the second murder, because I was just thinking, 'wait, how long does all these procedures actually take?' and 'Really? Really? I don't want to be too mean to them!' So I took it out. When I got to the third murder, Ukon had been flailing about being naked and...I just couldn't break the quiet moment. XDD;;

Yeah, also before and while writing this, I'd been wondering if I should make it obvious that Ukon was a puppet, but since Sakon treats him as a real person (to the point of being completely desolate when he thought Ukon had been lost in a fire) I didn't have Sakon make the distinction/make it obvious.

...Which now makes this fic really weird since Ukon's flailing about being naked and if you don't know he's a puppet and omggggg. Bwahahaha!

Heh. Did have fun with some of Ukon's movements, because I normally make sure that characters are, you know, looking at each other so they can see if a person's shrugging or whatever, but since Sakon's controlling Ukon, he'd know exactly what Ukon was doing! XDD I was gleeful when I realised that.

I seriously wanted to write a Ayatsuri Sakon/Detective Conan crossover. XDDD I didn't know if therck knew DC - and I didn't feel like I could write any of the DC characters, or think of a good plot.

I'd had a fair bit of this fic done by...the first of July. XDDD I knew exactly what fandom I was going to be assigned so I started before I got the assignment and just hoped it would be something like what the person requested. I posted this on the eighteenth, just before I went to Loch Lomond (You know, just in case I fell in the loch and I wouldn't be able to post because I was in the hospital or something. adlfkjadslk Brain, stop having an overactive imagination!) and I didn't look at it again until the thirty-first - and found a whole lot of typos and I needed to expand on a couple of things. lkajdsf Left it just a tiiiiiny bit late.

Quiet Days (1,151 words) for

hydrangea had asked for a fic of what Sakon would be like with Ukon, and I'd already been interested in exploring that so I went with that.

Except canon refused to co-operate. XD;; Episode eight was the best way to explore Sakon without Ukon, because that episode was already about that but when I'd originally attempted to write it, it was Sakon's thoughts when he's sitting near the burning building and then he would go and help Sayoko try and find Ririsu. But I just seemed to mirroring what happened in canon. =/ There didn't seem to be anything new (there would be when they were looking for Ririsu but if the beginning was essentially copied... Meh. =/) and I realised that, well, it'd been a while since Sakon had last seen Ukon anyway, right? So he'd already been trying to adjust to life without Ukon, so why not scale it back a couple of days and set it while he's waiting? So I did. XDD

Since we saw Sakon also get lost episode eight, I put that in, sort of as a way to say, 'He pays more attention when he's with Ukon' because he has to see what Ukon's looking at.

I put in a cat because I wanted something to draw Sakon's attention, to try and calm him down a bit; it was originally going to be a barking dog, but that also happened in episode eight. XDD;; So cat it was. ...But Ririsu was a cat. ...D: aldskj Dramatic irony?

For the entire scene with Sakon and the cat, I wanted to show that Sakon does notice all the little details. :3 And then got stuck as I had no idea what would be in the gardens or what they would look like. Google maps and wikipedia to the rescue! XDD Random clickings on google maps and searching up Japanese trees.

And more dramatic irony at the very end, where Sakon's thinking that he'd going to get to the puppet place in the morning, and be back before dinner. *sneeeerk*

And stolen from joisbishmyoga:

If I made Cinderella, the audience would immediately be looking for a body in the coach.
- Alfred Hitchcock

What do you expect to find when I write a story?

fandom: ayatsuri sakon, writing: parallelsfic, general: meme

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