Fic Commentary: Restful

Aug 16, 2011 23:02

Damn - it's a testament of how much I've been writing lately/this year when I try to ctrl+f 'Restful' on my writing journal, and it doesn't show up in the last thirty entries. XDD;; And damn, I wrote this back in April? :O That was over four months ago!

So, yes, fic commentary of Restful for lucathia_rykatu!

Restful )

fandom: noblesse, general: meme, fanfic: restful

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darkicedragon August 19 2011, 06:47:18 UTC
I've currently written...over 81k, not counting the stuff I've written for sprinkink. O______o;;; Not sure how much is fanfic, and which is original, but still. Wow. That number doesn't seem right...

"I wonder what kind of situation M-21 would need to be in for him to actually accept a hug..."
A really bad one. D: Or immobile. *snerk*
*bursts out laughing*

M-21: *on the lab bed, bandaged up, dozing off* *or in his own bed, bandaged up, dozing off*
Tao: *comes in/pokes in head around the door, and sneaks in*
M-21: *wakes up, peers at Tao*
M-21: What...are you doing?
Tao: *brilliant grin*
Tao: Well, hm, I'd been doing a bit of reading on what makes people feel better after getting injured and...
Tao: *grin turns slightly sheepish*
M-21: *blinks at him* Why sheepish? Rest, food, keeping exercise -
Tao: *stealth hug!*
M-21: *freeze!*
Tao: *Holds for a second*
Tao: *Pulls head away*
Tao: Feel better?
M-21: Uh, *thinks about it* Okay, kind of nice. Yeah.

alsdkj I honestly can't tell if this is M-21/Tao, or if it's just Tao being Tao. XDDDD

"I suppose Tao... or Regis, haha, would be the most probably candidates for hugging. XDDD"
Yeeeep. XDD I can picture Regis making a comment about not mentioning it again afterwards. X3

"I love dramatic irony. XD"
Yep. I love it too. :D

"Rereading, I noticed how there weren't any descriptors during this part. XD"
And now I remember this part was supposed to be *all kids talking at once!*

"Goodness. M-21 stands no chance. =P"
*laughs* Nope!

"Hm, lope is more for... movement? Jumping? At least that's the image I usually get. :'D"
Yeeeeah, that's the definition that I keep getting as well. Maybe I'm meaning loop? Makes more sense, but I like the sound of lope better. XDD;;

"Noblesse Coffee?? :DDD I didn't pay attention to that. Didn't know the place had a name, haha."
Aaahahaha! If you go to the chapters where Shinwoo and Ik-han were trying to set up the dates with girls from another school (155) and when Shinwoo 'saved' Takeo from being beaten up by the theives (111), you can see 'Noblesse' written on the tables, or the sign hanging right over their head. XDD


lucathia_rykatu August 21 2011, 06:48:13 UTC
I don't know where I'm at. Certainly not 81k, gosh. XDD Maybe between 20k ~ 30k or so, with my word count mostly being three long stories. You wrote quite a lot of Searching and Searching extras this year! :3 And also a lot of Noblesse and LSK fics. XD

Pft, and then you went and wrote the actual scene out! XD; It could be just Tao being Tao. XDD

Loop seems to make more sense. :O I seem to mostly say "swung an arm around". XD

Oooh, yeah, I think I remember something like that. :D


darkicedragon August 21 2011, 19:11:35 UTC
XD You do write long stories though~

I wanna get back to the Searching extras. Or the romance AU. :3 But I need plots for the romance AU. Hmm. Should Puzz be making an appearance? Or maybe I'll go look at the prompts on fic-promptly (aaaah, Elwing Alcyone said we can post prompts on old posts and there's been an influx of 'any' prompts and I think I'm going to have to start camping the delicious account now) for inspiration.

That sounds good too. :)


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