(no subject)

Aug 16, 2011 09:51

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Rai putting the earring on!

Damn, first page and I'm noticing that the colouring seems to be more detailed than usual.

sadlkfnlkds Frankenstein and Rai discussing Frankenstein going off again? :D (Haaaaa - I can't write that prompt! I have no idea what to do!)

I'm amused by the fact that Tao is the only person with blood on his clothes. XDDD

"How did you get in? It should be impossible to enter without my knowledge."
"I fixed it a little last time we were here."
Oh, Tao. XDDDD

Such high class elegance

"Aah...Do you have something I could change into?"
*bursts out laughing* Oh, poor M-21!! XDDD So adorable. Tao packed spare clothes, right? Or is M-21 going to be wearing some noble clothing?? omg! :D :D

How can he just...do that...after seeing the boss fight, after hearing Seira's explanation?
HE'S HALF NAKED, TAO; I think it's perfectly justified. XDDD He should be used to it after all the times he's been shirtless, but he's lonely this time - no-one else is shirtless with him

Why is that guy so comfortable in every situation?
He just doesn't get that ruffled by much, unless someone is being threatened. ♥~~

Your clothes are dirty

"T-Takeo. Toss me your cute metal bag."
*dies laughing*

YES! I KNEW IT!!!! Tao brought ramen!!! *dies laughing*

"Apparently, everyone does it, because it's the food you miss the most when you're overseas, so I brought some."
omg omg omg, he's so adorable! *squees*

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! They're all so eager to eat it! So cute!

"Here we go, put these on!"
omg, pink aprons, right?? XDD

Ahahahahaha! Yessssss!

"I'll say it again: you're the type who would do well in society."
*flails* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bwahahaha

Hmm. They blew up the castle to show their motivation to change?

:O It's Crombell!!

:O :O Oh, No Freaking Way. Crombell's coming through??

kljsdlkfjasd So this is a two-parter as well. :D :D

Natsume San 33
alkdjfad Loving Matoba. *____*

Waaaaaa, so cool, Natsume! :D

Damn, that one's huge!

:O What's happening with Madara?

"Don't worry about it. If I lick it..."
Fail. XDDD

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Natsume and Natori working together! :D

Alphas 6
:O Oh, damn, that was some shove.

Oh, jeez, Gary totally is going to get to drive a car in the season finale, isn't he? XDD

Wooooooooo! Go Cameron! :D

:O The FBI are thinking about taking Bill back? Noooooooo~ He can't go!

Hee! Cameron's being all protective! :D

"Agent Bell found it - he's our resident computer genius."

Kyaaaaaa! Peter Wingfield!

More Alph...Hey, is that Milos? But - he died.

alskdjf Wow when Bill just lifts the guy off his feet. :D

"I was gonna say that I was in the neighbourhood, but we both know that's bs."
"So, here you are."
D'awwwwwww. Just the way he said that 'yep'! eeeeeee

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, explanation for how Gary sees the world!

"Why don't you do me a favour and kill yourself."
Yeeeeah, thought so.

...Oh, god, and Rachel walks in the them. Uuuuuuuuh, awkward.

"I screwed up."
"No. We're partners - we both screwed up."
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! ♥

Woo! Realisations for Bill! :D

"Lost my cool"
Well, that's what happens when you trigger your ability so...sort of not completely your fault.

lkjads;lkfj It's five in the morning?? Damn, I'd be dead by then.

ksldjf Do love 'Cameron cam'

Haaaahaha, Cameron's driving! XDD

:O Wow, Cameron can dodge a bullet.

Ooooh, Bill shoved that guy.

"I don't get it - I thought you wanted back in."
"So did I."
Ha, totally mouthed Bill's response at the same time. X3 Knew that was going to happen.

asdlkfjas;ldkfj Bill being all snarky at Rosen and getting the inflection and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ♥

"It...sounds like me, minus the 'blah blah blah'."
Laughed out loud here. XD

"I'm more professional; I can gloat in private."

"I don't care where you work - DCIS, FBI; what difference does it make?"
"So you just want a man with a job?"
XDD Love his humour, omg.

"I want a man that's happy."

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! omg omg omg!! Gary's getting into the driver's seat!!!!

*laughs so hard*

Okay, I have now decided why Frankenstein sparkles so much - he's a reindeer, and because he's messed around with his body so much, he doesn't go into heat every spring, but just idunno, makes it happen when he's happy.
Actually, Frankenstein being a reindeer makes so much sense, oh. My. God. He knew he was going to be someone's reindeer and in typical Frankenstein fashion went and completely overcompensated, because, argh, he didn't have enough information or something about the bond so he thought he should get more data so he can be useful for his santa and when Rai was sent after Frankenstein and they touched and oh My God!! Frankenstein is Rai's reindeer!!! *proceeds to burst a gut laughing*
I wonder if the bond can make 'Don't age' happen. I mean, you can make the reindeer fly, go to the North Pole and summon them to you side so... Aging might be easy or something.
Wait a minute. That's why Rai doesn't speak much!! XDDDD

Fugue: 2. A pathological state of consciousness in which someone appears to be conscious of one's actions but has no memory of them after returning to a normal state.
...I think I want to write a fic centreing around this word, omg.

fandom: yoroshiku master, fandom: alphas, writing: plotbunny, fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: obsessing, writing: crossover

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