
Aug 10, 2011 14:33

XDD; Dammit, what do I dooooo with how Rihito refers to Daisuke? If he refers to him as 'his santa' it feels like the narrative goes 'his santa', 'his santa', 'his santahis santa','hissantahissanta'. XD Damn, but I'll be trying to do it anyway. See how the end product is.

Aaaaand look!


...omg, is that Storm? Jeez, it's not wonder they worship the God of Light - they obviously don't get cold days or something! XDDD

asdlkfja Is this Fire's/Blaze's backstory?! :D :D!!

"Brothers can't be replaced!"

"Wanna have a lolipop?"
XDD Sun shows his true love!

*dies laughing* Maybe it prerequisite to not wear that much clothes or something. But the others have been covered up so whatever. XD

ldjadsk That is an awesome broadsword!

:O Wow, the artist actually got in the person screaming in pain in the grip!

Knight-Captain is a subdivision in the knights. Need to remember this. X3

*laughs as Sun reaches for his sword*

"I'm just a passing defender of justice."
XDD *laughed out loud*

"All right!"
*dies laughing* omg, what is that?? That's not good for assassination - it'd leave too much of a mess and it'd be too difficult to slip out the body!

O_____o Considering how deep the jagged edges are, I'd be more worried about the dagger breaking instead.

Woah! Huge aura!

"This is for you... They aren't sweet this time."
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~! So cute! ♥ I now see where that prompt from springkink came from! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

*sneaky sneaky*

XDDD *laughs again*

*dies laughing* Arch dragon! omg!

lkdsjfslk Roland is so adorable when he's confused! Eeeeeeee.

*laughs at the 'beat'*

How would a mage assassin work?? XDD

ineffective repentance

Pfft *tiny smile!*
Kyaaaaaaa! So cute!!

Holy excretement of the Light God!
*dies laughing*

"Roland? Is that you?"

eeeeeeeeeeeee, interview!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Paranormal deduction genre could be next! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

*dies laughing at the break room*

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Roland's in Pink's house! \o/

"A set of dragon wings with razor-sharp claws sprouted from his back"
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! But, we don't see that in the manhua. XD Don't think so anyway. Still. eeeeeeeeeeeee.

"He...He was at this moment wearing a pink apron, squating on the ground, and scrubbing the ground with a cleaning rag."
*dies laughing* Oh, poor Roland! And, dammit, now I totally want a LSK/Noblesse crossover! He and the Trio can comiserate with each other and their slave drivers!

"I'm cleaning the floor."
Oh, Roland. XDD

"What strange times we live in! The Death Lord obediently cleans the floor while the Sun Knight wants to kill until blood will flow like a river."
*laughs out loud*

Yeah, she may be small, but I thought Pink was ridiculously strong as well?

"I don't see any little girls around, just the corpse of one."

*laughs as Sun diverts her attention with Ice's sweets*

o_____o Sun can be blasted through buildings and is essentially fine.

"You two are fighting over a lolipop. Since it's impossible to determine who the rightful owner is, the two of you should have a duel over the ownership of the lolipop."
*dies, omg* oadslkfja What do you call this kind of character? Overly serious character? Or should I just have a catch-all of 'Yu Wo's characters'. XDD

Bwahaha! She had to 'casually mention' it over five-hundred times!

"It's only because he understands you too well."

"when I take him out for a walk."

"I gave it to you so that we can do wicked things together!"

"I already patched them up with a sewing needle."
*laughs* But, hm, I wonder where Roland learned to do it, since he's always practicing his swordwork.

Oh, Pink's skin is also bright pink? Huh, missed that.

"How can a Sun Knight such as you still be considered normal?"
? She heard his thoughts? :D?

Can' wear a cloak over you as well? Though a hood would be suspicious as well though.

*grins* Sun's older than Roland by a month! Though, I thought Roland had only been dead for a couple of months...?

"I'm older than Roland, so why do I have to be the younger brother?"
"Because you're shorter than him."
Zing! *Is laughing so much*

"It's only a bunch of women ogling a hot guy."

"I was under the impression that Roland is alluring to women while you attract guys exclusively."
*spluttering laughter*

*loves their bickering*

Wand vs dagger. XDDD

"I won't be obstructing your duel."
XDDDDD Oh, Roland.

:O Woah. Pink's over two-thousand, three hundred years old!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Adair! omg omg can't wait~~!

*snerk* They should recognise Roland when he's in his human form since he's trained with them!

*laughs as Roland cannot lie*

oooooooh. *perks up* Shadow God? Hee! More religion! *is all interested now*

Perhaps holding my own vice-captain hostage would be a good option?
Just *dies*, omg.

"Should we go to the captain come and confirm it?"

*laughs at Sun's incredulity as seeing the well ordered Sun Knight platoon*

Oh my God of Light!
*dies laughing* I must use this in a fic! I muuuuuuust!

Oh, ouch. *laughs*

The chapter's title suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. X3

"You're more difficult to kill than an undead creature..."
This is very true. XDD

Ahahaha! Sun forgot to stop the transformation!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And Dragon's Sacred Brigandine talks again! :D

Your servant shall not dare to do so from now on.
DDDD: Awwwwwwwwwwwww!

Damn, how could I forget that Sun is a cheery dark character. asldkfj It's definitely the wrong words though. *grumble grumble*

Oooooo. God of War! :D

"we will secretly catch you at the bottom."

eeeeee, poor Storm, having to listen to Sun thank him!

So we're in the Kingdom of Forgotten Sound. *seriously keeps thinking of Naruto*

o_____o The Son of the God of War is there? What.

Aaaah, okay.

And the Kingdom of Moon Orchids is where the Temple of the God of War is at. :3

:P *snickers* Sun's insulting the Pope.

...O_____o The Pope looks like he's fifteen?? The manhua wasn't going overboard then!

*laughs* Sun loses rationality when he'd hungry!

Soooo...Sun and the Pope are 'enemies that are friends', then?

:O The crown prince is trying to supress the Church of the God of Light!

So, we have the God of War, the Shadow God, and the God of Light. It's a little unbalanced, but I guess we haven't seen the entire world.

...What. Wat. Wat?? Hell Knight in the cold-hearted faction, but doesn't listen to Judgement, but listens to Sun and is essentially an assassin. ... WHAT.

hahaha! Sun's technically doing that now with Dragon's Sacred Brigandine!

And *snicker* Kinda breaking the fourth-wall.

D: Aw, he's been a spy from when he was ... wait, from when he was ten?? And damn, he's even less seen that Cloud!

"you are definitely not allowed to touch one of my Knights!"

I am unsurprised that it was Fire. X3

............. :O!!!! Adair's about to stop breathing!!

XDDD Bwahaha. Kicking down doors is too much effort! Use your broadsword instead!

'Moderate Heal'
Shouldn't it be a higher level spell...? Or is Sun not supposed to know that?

And then it gets explained why. *loves this*

Hee. Ultimate Heal!

...pfffffffffffft. And the mask goes on again for Blaze.

"Quiet! You're not allowed to talk!"
*laughs so hard*

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Adair knows Sun so well! ♥~

"I really want to say it; if I don't say it, I won't be able to rest properly."
*DIES LAUGHING* I was laughing to loudly to this bit!

Hee. Adair's been his vice-captain for five years. So, since Sun was eighteen.

Ahahahaha! Adair was protecting Sun! Eeeeeeeeeeeee

Wasn't...the previous Sun Knight also with the princess...?

omg, twenty plus Storms all gossiping! XDDD

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, nope, Storm must love him for taking away some of the women. XDD

*laughs* Storm comes in to make sure the gossip is correct, omg. eeeeeeee.

ahaha! Oh, I feel so sorry for the Sun Platoon! So much running!

1/2 Prince V5C5
eeeeeeee, the dirty patch is coming out! XDDD *snerk*

XD Bwahaha. Lolidragon's being a pervert again~

omg. Just, omg. XDDDDDDD

*snicker* Yep, point, which one does she go in?

*dies laughing* So that's who the naked guy is.

Damn, they can get sick as well? :O

And then Lolidragon bursts in, omg. XDDDD

"I locked the door behind me and put both my hands on Wicked's shoulders
"Hurry and teach me how males go to the toilet."

OH MY GOD!!! Yang Ming told her what to do afterwards!!! *is so completely and utterly DEAD*

...He was peeing next to her. alskdjf;alksdjfalskdj whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

? Lan's twenty? She's had a birthday at some point?

"I will not allow you to hurt him, just as he would not allow anyone to hurt his friends."
"[Prince] would not retreat a single step backward, but would stand in front of his companions to protect him."

[in the manhua] "They haven't changed..."
*Doll comes out to with super magic!*

"That assassin was female, and by matter of principle, women wouldn't want to kill Prince."
*bursts out laughing*

Wow. The new patch encourages pvp?

Pffft. *love it when Lolidragon and Yang Ming are snarking together.

End of manhua chapter 44.

pfffffffffffffffffffft. Two-and-a-half hours. @_______@

omg, I so want to write a Noblesse/Yoroshiku Master crossover fusion. M-21 and Regis are santa and reindeer! In that order!! *dies laughing*

fandom: yoroshiku master, fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing, writing: springkink, writing: crossover, fandom: 1/2 prince

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