(no subject)

Aug 09, 2011 06:33

"Is it really okay for me to accept this?"
akldjf eeeeeeeee.

"[Rai] is unable to use any soul weapon."
*raises eyebrows* Huh. Interesting.

"No. The previous Lord intended for him to have it. That must mean I do not have the right to wield it."
asldkfjas;ldkjf Awwwwwww. *____*

"I wish to build up my strength myself, without its aid."

"The Lord's message again."
Pffffffft. Lookit the Lord's face. XDDD And heeeeeeee; this was just a test, wasn't it?

Raskreia's her name! \o/

"This signifies the loss of your life as an individual"

"However, there are so many more things to worry about"

*dies laughing* He's giving her a Talk!

"Don't go swinging your sword around all the time - it's unladylike."
*dying of laughter, omg*

"And...nag nag nag."

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! They finally arrive! ... Way too late. Oh, you guys. *loves them*

\o/ M-21's fully healed!

Kyaaaaaaaa. They arrive in time to break the heavy/serious atmosphere. XDDD

Awwwww! Regis actually lost consciousness! Unsurprisingly. X3

Bwahahaha! Oh, Regis. Completely out the loop. XDD

"By undoing your body seal, your body would..."
? Oooooh? Interesting.

ladskjfalskdjfasdf Look at that background!! *_____* Haven't seen any kind of detail like that before. Guess that signals the end of the arc. *grins*

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Noblesse, M-21/Tao/Takeo, domestic prompt over on
fic_promptly! :D :D Too many prompts, all wanting to be written at once! *squee*

Natsume Yuujinchou San 32
Damn did Natsume fall a lot in this episode. XDD But eeeeeee, Matoba!

And eeeeeeeee, Natori to the rescue!

Bwahahahaha! "For free? You'll help for free?"
His face is so eager! Eeeeeeee!

Pfffffffft. Natori and Nanase having a serious conversation, which I can't take seriously because Natori's head is on the billboard behind them, bigger than their entire bodies. XDDDD

*flails* Someone made that youkai! *had completely forgotten this*

"Is that why I felt evil from it?"
D: What. Because it wasn't born normally, or because the people who made it were evil? akjds

Ahahaha! Natori is sparkliiiing. XDD

Ah! *points points points* Natori! Behind you!!

And the shadow's gone. aldskfja

Cliffhanger!!! D:!

Hmm. Having problems conceptualising one type of person. I've put it down as 'Cheerfully dark characters' but I'm not sure if that's exactly it. It's the characters that will be smiling cheerfully at you while they plan just how much pain they're going to put you through/are already kicking your ass all over the place/can put you in your place without trying. (Me thinking this is two different kinds of people isn't helping) Examples being Hakkai (Saiyuki), Yulian (1/2 Prince), Frankenstein (Noblesse), and Karl (original). Ysef (original. The Necromancer series and the Escape from Nevara(EfN) links. Round 5 is here) is...different. Manic dark? laskdjf Dammit, completely forgot about Ysef. He's not cheerful, per se, when he's blasting about with his magic it's... Hm. He's like Frankenstein when he's cutting loose.

*after some moments and reading some of the entries again* I think Ysef is Gleefully dark. X3


Oh, wait. Yulian isn't dark; she's Damn Scary. Hmm. XDDD;;

Alphas 5
...:D? We haz a zombie?

*grins* Rachel's showing off.

*blink blink* Hmm? Oh! Brain chemicals and - oh. Oooooooh. She starts hyperfocusing.

Aaaaaaah! They have badges! XDDDD

"I wouldn't thought we would have needed to employ our cover so quickly."
Yes, Rosen, just go announce this on the street why don't you. XDD

Heh. Rachel can smell fear, and it's yellow. X3

"That was a lotta testosterone..."
*bursts out laughing*

Hm, shouldn't be surprised that Rachel doesn't shake hands.

*laughs* Awwwwwwww! Rosen put up his ID upside-down! XDDD

"Just a freak accident."
*snerk* Not on this show, it's not. It's either what started it, or the person who died is the person doing all this.

No autposy, and the police guy seems very twitchy.

¬ ¬ Gee, there's a lot of focus on rugby/football in this. I wonder if this is going to be relevant.

alksjdflaskj Rachel~~ ;____;

"My mom won't even return my calls"
*raises eyebrows* Wow.

"That sherrif was not a very big far of coach Selenkis."
Hmm. Seems like foreshadowing to me.

And decay looks like red and green. :3

klsdjf Good job with the suspense.

Decaying but alive? eeeeeeee! Zombies!

DDDDD:! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

"Should have listened; should have stopped it."
Yep. Had a hand in the first death.

Hmmmmmm~ Hmmmmmmmm~ Is it the mum?? *goes back to check* Football star, bank manager, and the counsellor at the high school. Yeah, could be the mum.

"Hey, I grew up in a town like this."
"Course you did - explains your name, Hicks."
*snerk* Yeah, I was pretty much making the same comment. They like playing off each other anyway. X3

"Hm. Cortisol. Makes sense."
*everyone stares at Hicks*

"Can I get you anything else?"
"DCIS. You don't ask questions; we ask the questions."

"You're feds; I knew it. It's a serial killer isn't it."
"Respect the badge."
asdlfkj XDD

Pffffft. Hey, Bill, Rachel has the super hearing, not Cameron. XDD

Sending mail to dead people. Hmmmmmmm.

O________________________________O They have a huge gym!

*raises eyebrows* His school?

"We aren't accusing you of anything. Yet."
lkdj Love Bill, omg.

"You need to sit down, lose the attitude, and answer our questions."
\o/ You tell 'im, Nina!

"I'd like to see the fancy badges do that."
XDDD Yuuuup.

Whoops. Gary's gone.

"Freakn. F-r-e-a-k-n." *frown* "That's not a word."

Haha! *didn't get 'doosh' for a while* Wow does that guy look like he needs sleep.

Woooooooo! Cameron taking on the football team and completely owning them! \o/

Oh. Gary thinks David's the alpha.

*stares at where I paused it.* omg omg omg, Cameron's going to throw a book at him eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Aw. He slid a book at him, but I guess then Cameron won't be taken in for assaulting a minor.

Yeah, didn't think he was the alpha.

Damn. They're just lugging him out the school. XDD

"That temporal...spacial...whatever thing you do? That can come in handy - I need you to come with me."
"It's nice to feel wanted."
XDDD Damn, they are a really good pair.

Haha! Gary stole his/a jacket!

Yeah, the nervous little looks Rosen was shooting Gary when he was saying that Nina was the killer, Nina accidentally pushed her boyfriend into him suiciding or something.

*raises eyebrows* He's in withdrawl? Interesting.

*deadpan* They're addicted to football.

Addicted to a person?

Addicted to touch/sex. :P

lkdjflkd Yeeeeeey, bonds. XDD

...Wait. The mum touched Rachel. D: omg. But, not skin to skin touching. I think.

Touch! Nooooooo! Skin to skin touch!! Rachel!!!

asldkjfasdkjlh Cameron's gonna do the thing he did in episode 2! EEEEEE.

I'd say Chris was driven off the road.

...Or suicide?

"I mean, does your team know what's causing it?"
Rosen, you suck at lying. XDD

*grins* I KNEW IT. :D

kasdjfasldk Rachel~~~! D: omg.

"I can't even handle a kiss; who's gonna wanna marry someone like that?"

"All I'm good for is being a walking, crime lab."
;_____; Rachel~~~


Bill: *prepares to power up and bash the door down*
Cameron: *whispers* No, wait.
Cameron: *shows the door's open*
Bwahaha! XD Showing his roots.

"Shoulda let me drive."
"Yeah, you know what - it's my car."
Yep, totally love it when they're together, omg. XDD

"So now what?"
"I don't know about you but...I'm gonna run."

*bursts out laughing at Rachel seeing Bill in the rear-view mirror*

*grins grins grins*

alkdsjf Yeah, Jessica's somewhat cheerful dark. She's smiling while the coach is all happy at seeing her and think that she'll make him feel better.

"Focus on the feelings of our hands."
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *flails flails flails* :D :D

"You're like a daughter to me - you always have been, and you always will be."
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. So much awesome in so few seconds! \o/

"We love you, Rachel."

? It's all dark outside the window now.

"Just tell me what to do, Jessica, and I will do it!"
Yeeeeah. Not a good thing to say to her. XD

"Burn. In. Hell."
Yeah. XD

"She's going away, to Bingingham."
Oh, crap. D:

"That said, how are you?"
"We should have that printed on t-shirts."
XDD Then you just point to yourself when asking.

"What do you say we go home?"

writing: fic promptly, fandom: alphas, fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: obsessing, general: loves, general: recs

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