Much random ramblings

Aug 01, 2011 21:12

omggggggg, Natsume Yuujinchou San 31~! Complete adorableness (when it wasn't being creepy) and askldjfla yeeeeey, all the friendship stuff! :D eeeeeeee.

*eyes the egscans site* Noblesse has updated~ omg, cannot waaaaaaait~

I'll most probably just edit this post when the chapter comes out. :3

parallelsfic. I have discovered I am really bad with deadlines. DD: *pokes fic* I procrastinate too much! Only a few hours to go!

Haaaahaha. Prince Revolutions! has uploaded all their chapters for last month and I've only read the first one. ladskjf

I still need to finish my write up when I was in Loch Lomond. asdlkjfal.

I think I need to make a list of things I really need to do...

Also wondering if I should make a sticky post or something with the Dreamwidth invite codes I've got or something. Except I'm not exactly popular/well-known so I think they'd just languish there without being taken. So, I guess, just put them up on
*whistles* Daaaaaaamn. Put up 18 codes and they were all snapped up in an hour!

Heeeeey, almost forgot! My NaNo novel might be coming through the door on the tenth! :O If, you know, it hasn't been eaten by sharks or something. XD I keep getting emails from CreateSpace wanting me to validate my proof and sent it out for proper printing and I'm like, 'but I haven't even seen my copy yeeeeeet, let alone read it!'

fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: dreamwidth, writing: parallelsfic, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: 1/2 prince, general: vacation

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