(no subject)

Jul 26, 2011 22:57

Hmm. LJ's not working for me. Again, if anyone wants any dreamwidth invite codes, I've got lots. :3

Noblesse 195
Haaaaaaahaha! XDD Frankenstein can go the clothes thing too! And he's wearing a black suit! Eeeeeeeee.

Did you not acknowledge me, in the end...?
Awwww. :(

*laughs at all the shocked faces when they say it was left at Rai's house mansion.*

"The previous Lord dumped it at our house."

"Or did you not know him well enough?"
*laughs* XDDD

"You didn't know?"
"I did not."
"S-somehow he's very convincing."
And he only said three words.
And we're back to the monosyllables. XDD Frankenstein's doing all the talking again!

D'aaaaw, Karias is all worried! And still toting Regis around. XD

Bwahaha! Everyone's lost their elegance!

"My previous clan leader did not wish it told."
Awwww, more secrets kept from her. :(

"We had no plans to return here so soon... But my Master was worried about Gejutel."
Omg, haha, Frankenstein's face. XDDD

If he was asleep for 820 years, then the traitors' uprising...
It happened 500 years ago.

"For that reason, I have come to this shrine to find out why he left me Ragnarok."

Natsume Yuujinchou San 30
Young!Natsume is so freaking adorable. But, just... ;______; But then ending~ So cute!

fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: dreamwidth

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