XD Additional Information post for Parallelsfic! It's a fic exchange for rare Asian fandoms. :3 The minimum word count is five-hundred! Sign-ups end on the third of July
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Ahahaha, how did you know the YYH request was me??? XD; I didn't even know I was going to request it until I did. Wonder if I should write a letter too.
Muahaha, because I know Kurama (erk, nearly typed Kenshin) is your favourite character there. *grins* Someone's offered to write YYH! Unless you're also the one to offer it, but you said that you requested fandoms that you didn't think you could write so well... @____@
Write the letter~ If you have time. If anything, you'll probably suck my into another fandom and bury me in plotbunnies again. XD;;
Why yes, I did request Kurama. Ahahaha. XDDD It's not a tiny fandom and there are a lot of fic out there already, but I never tire of reading fic about Kurama. |D Need new fic. XD; Um, let's just say I have no potential offerers on anything yet. |D
I don't know about these fandoms. XD; Was hoping nominations by other people = more people other than myself offering to write the fandom. XD; Still deciding whether or not to change anything though, requests or offers. XD;
Oh~, you make me want to reread my Star Ocean manga. :3
Also - Calcifer. He is the cutest!
*grins* Reeeeead it~
:D He iiis! I loved all the scenes with him in it!
Write the letter~ If you have time. If anything, you'll probably suck my into another fandom and bury me in plotbunnies again. XD;;
I don't know about these fandoms. XD; Was hoping nominations by other people = more people other than myself offering to write the fandom. XD; Still deciding whether or not to change anything though, requests or offers. XD;
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