(no subject)

Jun 27, 2011 10:05

XD Additional Information post for Parallelsfic! It's a fic exchange for rare Asian fandoms. :3 The minimum word count is five-hundred! Sign-ups end on the third of July!

The basics:
I will be ecstatic with pretty much anything that is written for me. :3 The only thing I'm really ‘meh’ about are fics that are centred around romance and/or sex. I don’t mind pairings though.

The details:

Howl's Moving Castle
Howl and Calcifer are my favourite characters of this movie. :3 So anything about them would be awesome. Maybe Howl isn't able to change back into a human, after pushing himself just a bit too much. Or exploring the happy façade Howl puts up. Howl trying to keep his humanity every time he uses magic. How does Calcifer feel about not being able to leave the castle? Anything focused on Howl and/or Calcifer and I will be happy. :3

Legend of Sun Knight
If you write for this, I will love it.

Sun? Is awesome. Storm? Is awesome. Metal? Is awesome. Adair? Is freaking awesome. 8D

There isn't a character in this series that I don't love. ♥~

As for plots, there's just so many things that you could write that I'd love! Judgement on a mission. Earth subtly chatting up a priestess when he's interrupted by something. A day in the life of Pink. Someone trying to have a conversation with Ice.

I repeat, write anything for this and I'll love it! :3

One thing, I've only read the English translations of the novel and the manhua and I don't want to be spoiled on anything that happens later on. ^ ^

Natsume's Book of Friends
Anything about this series would be awesome. :3 Natsume interacting with ayakashi, Tanuma and the flashes of the ayakashi he sees, Taki thinking about the time she spent not being able to talk with anyone.

Star Ocean: The Second Story/Second Evolution
This game has an adorable character who, through circumstances not under his control, ended up with two dragon heads fused to his back, is so connected to them that he understands their growls (or has a telepathic link with them), and because of this fusion, people have a tendency to run at the sight of him. And he wields twin daggers.

Yeah, Ashton Anchors is very easily my favourite character here. XD

Anything about the relationship Ashton has with Gyoro/Creepy and Ururun/Weepy would be great. Does Ashton notice when he gets used to the dragons? If Ashton found a way to separate himself from the dragons that won't kill them, would he go through with it? If Ashton and the dragons were separated by another event that didn't kill the dragons, what would they feel? Are the additional heads the only changes that happened to Ashton, or are there other, long-term changes that aren't so easy to see in the short-term? Or is Ashton still changing?

But these are optional additional information! You don't have to write these, and you don't have to include every idea in your fic either! Just have fun writing! :3

If you have any questions, or want me to throw out more ideas, or whatever, feel free to ask.

Not sure exactly where to put this, but if you're interested in what I like in general or the tropes I enjoy, go here. You can also read this extremely long, ramble-y meme entry about the kind of fics and themes I'm interested in. There's information in there. Somewhere. ^ ^;;

I have been entirely too predictable with my offers. But I think I need to add a fifth fandom to my list of offers - only one fandom is showing up and that's because I'm both offering and requesting it. XDD;; Ack! My fandoms are too tiny! (Aaaaand it won't matter if I do pick another fandom, because it still won't show up if someone hasn't requested it. *facepalm* *hopes someone requests something I'm familiar with or has access to*)

fandom: howl's moving castle, writing: parallelsfic, fandom: natsume's book of friends, fandom: the legend of sun knight, fandom: star ocean: second evolution

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