(no subject)

Jun 14, 2011 05:18

sadlfijd That's a big uh, line of steps! Wonder what's on top. :3

...Oh. :O

Oh, hey, the older brother can do 'throw aura down like spears' too! :O

Aaaaand Frankenstein's having fun just one-uping him at every turn.

:O And a hit against Frankenstein!

Multiple, even!

Woah, that's a lot of blood.

Yeeeeah, doing an AoE would help a lot for someone you can't see.
*facepalm* He's really not paying attention to where the attack's going.

"Such a violent method...The real monster is him!"
Pfft, Takio, you should know this already. XDD

"I fought him long before you did..."
? Is M-21 saying/admiting that he did a stupid thing?

Kage bushin no jutsu!
*cough* XDD

Those dirty bastards. They're just leisurely watching this fight?
D: Uh-oh.

eeeeee, the werewolf arms go up to M-21's elbows! :D

*blink* The art changed for Frankenstein's entrance. And so did the panel order.

? ... Oh! He gave himself a wound to even up the score again?

"Although the Kerita clan's techniques emphasise stealth, it does not mean we resort to foul play."
♥ Pretty big on the honour stuff.

lkdsgjakldjfa;lskdfja;ldskfjasd NOBLESSE IS BEING PRINTED :D :D :D AWESOME!!

Hopefully, now that I've written the first part of the Romance AU rewrite, the plotbunny will...wander away until I've gotten a little further with editing Searching.

I thought that the next part would just be the later parts threaded into the one part but uh...Marland seems to be deciding that he likes the taste of his own thigh, he's chewing on his foot that badly. *facepalm* I'm kinda happy, because then I'm not just copying and pasting but, uh, the point where they start officially going out seems to be getting further away. I don't know if it'll happen in the next part.

Again, I'm happy for that, because then it's not a cliché that's a quick 'I like you.' ':O' 'Wanna go out?' 'Yes.' Except I'm kinda worrying that Marland might ruin it for the two of them. -______-

Except the thigh chewing happens near the start so who knows how long the next part will be. But anyway. *gets back to editing Searching*

original: searching: romance au, fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing, fandom: original fiction

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