(no subject)

May 12, 2011 08:59

*actually laughs when we see the black spot* It's been penned on!

Was thinking the crew was kinda tiny.

Yeeeah, I said 'sensors' at the same time the captain did. XDD

"Except for the gun thing. And the beardiness."

*laughs when the Doctor's on the plank*

Woo! Amy with a sword! :D \o/

And the point of putting the coat on waaaas? (Just to look cool? XDD)

Amy's not doing that bad! But, hm, what about the sword will bring trouble?

Ah, there was go - Rory's been cut too.

Would someone get a hold of Rory? =/ Okay, fine, the pirates wouldn't want to anyway.

*laughs at all the dialogue when get into the hold* XDD

Hee! And the Doctor puts the hat on! XD

Hm. A proper stowaway?

Huh. The captain's gloves are the same as the one at the start.

Heh when the captain figures out what the doohickeys do in the Doctor's ship.

Huh. That looked different. The TARDIS is with the siren now?

I thought the screwdriver didn't do wood? Guess it's a bolt but still, it shouldn't...?

She uses reflections?

Yep. :3

Aaaaaah! The medallion!

*laughs as the Doctor breathes all over the medallion*

Oh! It's that woman again! lkdsj Argh, it's going to be ages until we find out what she's doing!

*raises eyebrows* Toby actually went. So they're alive somewhere.

That was not a still reflection.

It's healing them?

Aaaaand the Doctor runs to hug the TARDIS. D'aaaaaaaaw! ♥

Fire cleanses too. :3

That realisation came a little slow. >____>

Heeeeee! Consent form!

daslkfjlsdkjfsdl omg, Rory is so awesome!! :D :D

Well, I don't think the Doctor would give up either...

"Just point me to the...atom accelerator."
XDDD Eeeeee!

...Jeez that beat was too long. DD: I thought he really had died!

I think I know what I'm writing for the prompt for PR! omg, and - and I was laughing so much when I thought of it last night! It's so...random, but - but, well, it's LSK, so that's par for the course. And it's supposed to be outrageous. eeeeeee! :D

I'm probably a couple of hundred words away before I hit the end of Searching, omg. Will still have the epilogue to do though.

original: searching, fandom: doctor who, fandom: the legend of sun knight, fandom: original fiction

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