
Jan 29, 2011 07:46

Yes!! New LSK novel chapter!

"The crown prince nodded to show his approval without hesitation, as though he had known this was going to happen."
Well, yeah. He's the crown prince, so he has to be protected, no matter what he's done.

*snickers at some holy knights dressing up*

Pfffffftteeeeeee! Judgement gets dressed up and lies in the bed!

Huh. So you can have magic that seals other magic.

...The wardrobe is half the size of his room. Wow. And the bottom is lined with velvet. Wow.

Judge's voice is deep. :3

Judgement really is the person who understands me most

kjskdfja Judgement didn't pay attention to his odds of becoming the Judgement Knight! So serious! So cute!

1 to 1.083. Wow. That's some maths anyway. Not surprising.

And eeee, Sun's proud of his memory!

And Roland's was 1 to 1.052. Which, would then mean since Roland had brown hair, people know that he would have to dye his hair. Again, not surprising either.

And Sun's were 1 to 563! That's a huuuuuge difference!

*flails* Sun did excellent in his written test! ... There's a written test for this!

jdsfa Judgement being all 'you're not that bad' and - and eeeee!

"Youre swordsmanship is really awful though"
Hey! You didn't have to add that, okay?
*snickers* *loves them, omg*

"He often helped me out, like-"
"Helping you in fights, climbing over the wall and buying blueberry dessert for you, helping you to beat the dog that bit you, and so on," Judgement finished my sentence and sighed. "Grisia, you never did change."
"Hahahaha..." I laughed dryly. Right! After Roland left, Judgement took his place!
*snickers* But, climbing over the wall? So, they weren't allowed outside the Holy Church then? And hm, Sun likes blueberry sweets? Ice throws blueberry jam at him too.

"He was just being very slow."
XDDD Except his body was very fast.

Roland is very... melodramatic. Pffffthaha!
And Roland knows about the secret passage too!

XDDD Fire's and Judgement's platoons come in through the window and Earth's and Sun's come in through the door! But - but too many people! They all can't charge in at once! *snickers* But this is a very large room so... (Wouldn't they have heard Sun and Judgement's conversation?)

Oh jeez, I wanna know what Judgement is weaaaaariiiiing. XDD

*flails* Missed the fact that Roland had said he was killing the King, not the crown prince!

"Roland, your ability to lie has always been as awful as my sword-fighting ability."
Eeeeee, Sun actually admited he has bad swordsmanship! XDD Doubt he realises it.

Pffffahahaha! 'So, yeah, if the crown prince did torture someone to death, we wouldn't know about it because he'd actually hide his tracks well.' THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING, SUN. XDDD

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding the usage of 'bizarre' funny. I think it might be because I think of it as a more modern word than the setting. 'Strange' would be better?

The sentence wasn't meant for Roland? Hm~? Is it for Judgement?

"a Death Knight can't go around and chat with people on the street."
But, he did. XDD Roland wouldn't be able to keep his temper though. And he was only able to because of the ring Pink gave him. adlaj Please tell me Judgement's going to get his job-face on.

"Judgement glanced at me impassively, with a, 'don't fool around anymore' type of gaze."
Eeeeee. XDD And I've just noticed that Sun hasn't mentioned the God of Light once.

adsfj If it'd been about anyone else, they would have let it go; if it involves Sun? They/Judgement doesn't care who you are - you're getting found out. :D ♥ omg, I love him.

Huh. Roland's eyes glow red when he's pissed. Weren't they glowing black/grey before?

♥ Judgement's the best swordsman out of the Holy Knights.

DDDD: The king's stomping on Roland's head!

Oh, wow, this situation is certainly spiralling out of control. (And then the next sentence has this phrase in it. XDD)

"for [the Sun Knight Platoon] often get into trouble with someone or something that shouldn't be trifled with."

Yeah, I had a feeling Sun might have that kind of attitude towards his platton.

"It was natural that [the Sun Knight Platoon] would not listen to Judgement."
XDDD Definitely true.

Hm. Judgement turns purple when he's angry.

Ooooo. Sun's plotting. So, if Roland turns into a Death Lord, then Sun technically can't stop him so then the king dies?

alsdfha Dragon wings! ... Oh! So, that's the person on the other covers? ♥ Draaaaaagon wiiiiiiiings!

"I'm very suspicious that he punched a hole in my chest, or, worse still, straight through!"
*wince* Aaaand Sun really never gets to be fully healed, does he? XDD

Human-faced vampiric spider. ... Yikes.

Ahahahaha! The royal knights would prefer to protect the crown prince rather than the king!

"they are obedient as puppies"

"This is because I told them once before, 'If I tell you to jump off a cliff, you have to jump or else I will kick you off and push down a boulder as your companion.'"
*howls with laughter*

*actually couldn't contain the laughter as it keeps going.* He actually pushed two people off the cliff! With a smile on his face!

*facepalm* 'Oh hey, yeah, so, since this involves personal stuff that we really didn't want people to know about, I told people to go to the other side of the castle, and if they did hear anything, don't come and investigate.'

"Even if I wasn't seriously hurt, my fighting skills would still be equal to a person who was seriously injured anyway."

dladf; All the people recognising Roland!

"The knight called Hele was obviously a member of the 'Roland Support Group'"

"Everyone knows that Captain Roland doesn't date, doesn't care for money, doesn't gamble, doesn't drink, and doesn't brawl. All he does is practice swordsplay, and then practice more swordsplay."

Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Storm has appeared! And he is pissed. omg omg omg, *gets to the reading*

"For now, I am the record holder for the highest number of times of making Storm mad."
XDDD And the one time Storm didn't get revenge, Sun had pissed off his teacher too. EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee! And Sun's known him for thirteen years, so he's known Storm since he was ten.

Ooooo. Storm shoved the mirror hard enough to crack the wall.

D: Three months. Damn.

... The king is wearing red leopard print underwear. ... *scrubs brain*

*winces at the descriptions*

Please protect Storm so he doesn't die from overwork!
He definitely needs this!

XDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Sun showing the king his 'evil smirk' but no-one else can see it!

XDD Roland's glowing piiiiink.

The bishops use Advanced Heal. :3

oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez. Judgement questioning Sun about choosing Fire and Earth and Sun replying back that Earth has an honest personality and eeeeeeeeeee.

"The Sun Knight won't leave the Death Knight to roam the streets freely, right?"

.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Roland wants to become the Sun Knight and and and *wheezes*

Plotbunnies spawned
Roland lying
Roland practicing swordsplay
Storm getting pissed at Sun

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Loved this chapter! And Sun's a lot brainier than I give him credit.

< Dark Ice Dragon + 100 Obsession Points >

fandom: the legend of sun knight, general: obsessing

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