(no subject)

Jan 28, 2011 22:00

X3 Back to reading the writing books again, and focuing on developing... stuff for the master and slave thing.

So the 'master' (which still needs a proper noun/title for it) guy used to be called Farsol. Say it out loud. Yeeeeah. (Or, it could just be my accent. If it is, it sounds like 'arsehole' to me) Also, if his name were to be shortened into a nickname, it would be turned into 'Far' or 'Fars', and the last one sounds like 'farce' to me. (Apart from the fact that I had Marland's name as that because I liked the nickname 'Marl' - which then never got used anyway) So his name got changed.

To Sahnras.


Yeah. I have a feeling I came up with this some time after trying to work out 'Sahmsong'. On the other hand, after doing a couple of the character finding exercises, I know he was actually born into a lot of money, which can explain the name.

Noooot sure about keeping 'suntal' as the name of the slave things.

Still have a huge amount of questions that need to be answered about the world.

I'm amused that I'm sort of keeping the dynamic between Sahnras and Aldoran similar to what happened in Searching. The main narrative character is the more expressive person (which is funny to realise about Marland, since he's more volatile, but Shodin doesn't - okay, saying he doesn't talk about himself is kinda redundant. He doesn't give much away about his feelings), and the other main character is obviously, then, the more distant person. I'm a lot more interested in writing emotional/expressive characters since it's easier for me to get the plot moving faster and I like having a range of emotions they can go through.

Is it bad that before I even have a proper plot (I have something, some scenes I want to happen) I already want to throw it away and have Aldoran help Sahnras be happy? X3;

I hope these two don't go through the endless amount of edits Marland went through.

Also because of the writing books, I went back to reread the start of Searching. It made me realise wow, it took a while before Marland actually said anything. Puzz was the first to have any dialogue. Shodin did a whoooole lotta one-sided talking in the first part. XDD;

writing: plotting, original: searching, original: master and slave thing, writing: nanowrimo, general: reading, fandom: original fiction

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