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Jan 21, 2011 20:47

Going through Dialogue (Gloria Kempton) at the moment. One of the earliest exercises is: 'Two characters are in a fender bender. One, the antagonist, has yet to get a learner's permit and was taking the family car out for a joyride without insurance. Write a scene of dialogue that's full of tension and suspense for what's ahead for both characters.'

Yeeeah, so the two characters that came up in my head was Balt and Marland. Pffffffthahaha! XDD Aside from the fact that Marland would be trying to jump out the car, who cares about whatever speed it's going at, Marland wouldn't be able to fit in anyway. XDD (I guess that's why the car crashed in the first place) (Let's not even talk about the rest of the scenario because ahaha! I just cannot see Balt doing that)

It's kinda like one of the questions you can think about to get to know your character better: 'imagine your character is at a party [with the most powerful people in the world] - what would they do?'

Try to find the nearest window to jump out, panicking for his life because how the hell did he end up there in the first place??

XDD The problem with some of the writing help books is that they assume you're writing on Earth and your characters are human. Which is fair enough. :3

Think I've figured out why my enthusiasm cooled towards Searching now - all Marland and Ronthar are doing is talking and not much else is happening. Yeah, they need to have a break after everything that's happened, but it's kinda flat at the moment. Need to bring up a topic that gets them a little more active - it's kinda like they're just discussing the weather at the moment. >(

Aha. Ahahaha! Another exercise: 'No matter what kind if story you're writing, take the characters out of your story and drop them into another genre, then write three pages of dialogue for them.'

OMG, Shodin and Marland - in a romance. WANT. WANT TO WRITE THIS. *flails* But I suck at romance. But that's the point of practicing. asdlflk. Waaaaaant.

original: searching: romance au, original: searching, general: reading, fandom: original fiction

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