(no subject)

Jan 21, 2011 11:31

I've started on my CV. It's going okay. :3 I just need to figure out who I should ask from the receptionist volunteering if they can be a reference.

Yeeeah, I saw that there'd been a new 1/2 Prince novel chapter uploaded yesterday, but I was like, 'Eeeeeeh, who cares - I want more LSK!' XDD Addiccccccted.

Oh. Wait. There's no Kenshin in this scene. :( Oops. I guess he snuck in later for Emulate. :P

Huh. Lan's physically closer to Fairsky here in comparison to the manhua.

Eeeeeee, Sunshine's half-emulating Lan!

*snickers at Lan and Jing covering Yun's mouth to shut him up. XDD*

Oh, hey, Fairsky's a thief. Didn't know that.

"Meanwhile, we three ousiders stared opened mouthed at Sunshine as he was forcefully kissed with no guilt on our conscience."

Ahaha~ Lan commenting about how cliché this is!

I... hadn't though properly about what it would look like Lan saying Sunshine wasn't human, and then him agreeing. :(

"I was hit across the face with a force so great I nearly sprained my neck"
*wince* Oooouch.

"No matter what, I shouldn't have allowed Fairsky's feelings to be hurt."
Sunshiiiiiine, omg

"I don't understand love, nor do I know whether I love someone or not."
omggggg, I wanna fic this!

But it gets explained pretty well later on anyway. But Kenshiiiiiin. :C

Argh, I've refound a plotbunny that I got from this scene with Fairsky and Sunshine, but it's sad and heartbreaking and set waaaaaay in the future, so I don't know if it'd work with the ending and aaaaaah.

Huh. Longer conversation with Lolidragon.

Oooooh, wrong patch. I thought this was the dirty patch. XD; Whoops. ...And that sounds wrong. XDD;;

Finished the 38th chapter.

So, apart from trying to write everything for my Big Damn Table, I seem to have given myself self-imposed challenges.
1) Write as many different characters as I can from LSK
2) Try to write 500 words for every one
And my new one iiiiis:
3) Write a prompt on every line as soon as possible.
I... just don't get my brain sometimes.

I've already got a prompt done in every column, so now I'm on the lookout for things to write on on every row. *facepalm* I think it's because then all the rows will be equal sizes again. XD;; And the fact that I've got this massive block of untouched prompts is also bugging me.

(Kiiinda miffed that I'd missed 'Wine' when I was writing 'Drink', and I'm not too sure what the difference is between 'Apology' and 'Sorry'. 'Phone' is going to be... interesting to fill anyway. XD;)

fandom: the legend of sun knight, general, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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