Since pretty much EVERYONE on my flist is doing this... XD

Jan 09, 2011 08:25

Five Acts

How to play:

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

My Acts )

general: meme

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From the Meme docsgirl January 11 2011, 20:34:28 UTC
And How To Train Your Dragon is a fandom I actually think I have a shot of writing a decent fic in - not to mention I like the whole "telepathic" thing myself, so. . . .

Toothless was absolutely certain he was going to die. This was the second time he’d plummeted out of the sky like this, completely out of control. The first time, his life had been saved by the - admittedly painful - intervention of some tree branches before he actually hit the ground. Now, though, he was heading straight toward the most painful-looking rocks he’d ever seen. There would be no lucky escapes this time.
And the day had started so well too. Hiccup had come with all his gear and announced he felt they were ready for a real flight. Toothless had been extremely excited. After so many mishaps, so many failed attempts, he was ready to get back into the air. He’d forced himself to be patient as Hiccup got the saddle and straps and all the other bits on. Fortunately, practice had made the young man quick, and soon they were out of the cove and into the air. And then they’d been over the sea, and Hiccup had urged him forward, further into the sky, and everything had been right with the world. Yes, all right, Hiccup had bonked him into a couple of rocks at first, but Toothless had forgiven him pretty quickly for that. It was enough to be flying again, to soar and flap and climb -
That’s what had done it. He should have never gone up that far. Maybe then Hiccup wouldn’t have lost that weird scrap of paper that apparently told him how to fly. Which meant maybe he wouldn’t have fallen off himself, leading to this horrible situation. Both of them had attempted to get things back under control - Hiccup managing to get himself back on the saddle, Toothless spreading his wings to try and slow them down - but Toothless knew that, unless a miracle happened, they were both dead. No no no if only I could control that fake tail Hiccup do something I
can’t even read this thing the wind’s too strong we’re gonna crash we’re gonna
die I really don’t want to die especially not after I finally got to
fly on a dragon and - and forget the cheat sheet! I’m doing this on
instinct? Yes right forget thinking - instincts, take over!
Let’s do this.
Toothless never quite knew how it happened. One minute they were about to be part of the most spectacular crash Berk had ever seen; the next, they were zipping through the rocks like they’d been born to do it. It was like Hiccup suddenly understood exactly what to do to help him fly. And Toothless understood him too, knew exactly where he wanted to go almost before he adjusted the pedal. He could practically feel Hiccup’s thoughts inside his head. It was like they’d somehow become one being.
And then they were through the rocks and back out over the open water. Excitement flooded Toothless as he realized that yes, they were still alive, and they’d pulled off the fanciest flying this side of a Monstrous Nightmare! He cheered with his partner, letting out a happy blast of flame.
A moment later, watching Hiccup pat out the sparks on his clothes, he made a note to give his friend some extra fish as an apology for that.


Re: From the Meme darkicedragon January 12 2011, 08:35:27 UTC
Eeeeeeeee! *is grinning so damn hard* Toothless being impatient about flying again!

*snickers at Toothless' non-understanding of Hiccup's cheat sheet*

EEEEEEEEE!! Their thoughts are merging together and syncing!! I have got such a huge grin right now!

And eeeeeee, Toothless making a note to give Hiccup more fish!

sadfklha You have no idea just how happy you've made me with this fic! :DDDDDDD My icon doesn't even begin to cover it! Thank you so, so much!


Re: From the Meme docsgirl January 12 2011, 18:00:08 UTC
You're welcome! I'm really glad you like it. :D Like I mentioned, I'm a fan of telepathic connections too, and we've practically got canon evidence for it with Hiccup and Toothless in that scene.


Re: From the Meme darkicedragon January 13 2011, 15:45:35 UTC
:D It's pretty much my headcanon that they've got a connection, because there really is a fair amount of things that happen to suggest it.


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