Since pretty much EVERYONE on my flist is doing this... XD

Jan 09, 2011 08:25

Five Acts

How to play:

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

I am largely gen-focused though. XD;

My Acts

*_______* If the person has memory problems, I love it. Especially the exploration around it, what they think about it, if it affects them in some way, do they even care?

Animalistic Behaviours
Growling, ears moving (if, you know, they can do that), expressive body language eeeeeee!

I really like big wings, especially if they're bat/dragon wings (especially especially if they're attached to a dragon, but I think that's another act/kink XD).

Telepathic Bonds
Hmm, there's just something that I like about being able to be that close to someone without physically being there (the other individual not having a body of their own is also something I like too. :3). So, feeling each other's emotions and that sort of being right in that person's head, and possibly having to adjust thought processes and stuff so that you don't end up stumbling into each other's thoughts and/or memories.

Epic Friendship
Yeeeeah. Just really close friends who trust each other and that can possibly be seen as either friendship or can be shippish. ♥

XD Yep, all these acts are in Searching. I did say that I put in a lot of my loves into that. X3

My Fandoms

The characters are my ultimate favourite of the series, but I won't mind if the fic is about someone else. :)

1/2 Prince: Kenshin, Sunshine, Arctic Fox
The Legend of Sun Knight: Sun, Judgement
Noblesse: M-21
Tegami Bachi: Noir, Roda, Zazie
How to Train Your Dragon (movie): Toothless
Yoroshiku Master: Rihito, Daisuke
Detective Conan: Kaitou Kid
Double Arts: Any
Storm Hawks: Stork

If there's a fandom not listed here but you know that I've been flailing over it or whatever, feel free to write about that too. :) There's always something I've forgotten.

My fills
Mission (The Legend of Sun Knight, crossdressing)

Observe (1/2 Prince/ The Legend of Sun Knight)

Filled for me
How to Train Your Dragon, telepathic bonds

general: meme

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