
Jan 03, 2011 17:25

DDD: Gaaaah, I want sleeeep. Been trying for the past three hours but it's just not happening. Hopefully tonight I'll get some decent sleep.

So. Memes!

Fic stats meme )

original: searching, general: sleep, general: meme, writing, fandom: original fiction

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lucathia_rykatu January 4 2011, 03:53:38 UTC
Huge word count! And lots of fandoms!

Oh yes, I definitely see the outsider and learning about the world part in a lot of your writing from 2010. :3 And once you mentioned memory... that made me lob series that had to do with memory at you. =P

I like the title "Step by Little Step" best. It sounds kind of cute to me. XD; I really liked the photoshoot part in Late Nights. :D

I would've thought 1/2 Prince would have more readers judging by reactions over at Prince Revolution, but I guess very few fans are fanfic readers? X3;; But of course, the popularity of the series is definitely nothing compared to Naruto or FMA...

I don't think I have enough fics for the first lines meme. XD; Or well, more than half would be Bokurano ficlets. XDD Hm, looks like you started with some dialogue! And yay for varying length. There's even one as short as "Hmmm". XDD

Oh yay, questions for Marland and Ronthar. XD Haha, I love the way Marland answered, though he answered in a way that didn't let me learn much. =P

Oh, Ronthar has a last name. XD And a sibling! :O


darkicedragon January 6 2011, 11:23:41 UTC
I knooow! (And I broke LJ's ability to handle all my tags, and that was just the fandoms, haha. XD Definitely not able to tag in all the titles as well.)

*grins* I should make a note of all the stuff I want to watch/read in case I forget. Like Code Geass. XD

XD It's definitely less blunt than my other titles. The photoshoot part was the thing that was my [something happens here] bit that just kept growing and growing and growing. XDD;

It might be because 1/2 Prince is hard to find in ff.net? They might just be looking in the manga section rather than the misc section.

XD Haha, oh, I don't know what I'd do if 1/2 Prince got to that level of popularity. I'd love it, but gaaah, I sort of like having a low-level readership because there's a whole lot less pressure. ^ ^; Hope I'm making sense.

XD Yeah, that was funny realising that I had a one word first sentence.

It was great being able to get in their heads again. :D

*flails* This was me trying to get Marland to talk! I added a bit to his answers, though he probably wouldn't have been so wordy. His answers would have really depended on who was asking these questions too: randomer, me, or Shodin? Maybe I should re-do his questions so that it's like Shodin's asking them. ... *begins to crack up so badly at the virgin question* There would definitely be a lot more body language anyway. Oh jeez, I'm just imagining all of this now. XDD I need to know/figure out if Marland and Shodin have been plucked out of Searching and dumped into a room, and Shodin is asking the questions because I'm making him - or if this is kinda like a missing scene in Searching, where Shodin finds out about these questions from the TV and asks Marland about them. This is becoming a full-blown scene with description and stuff in my head already. XDDD

Yep! I'd forgotten that I'd given him him a last name. As well as the name of his home village and the town he'd been staying at before he was taken to Torpin. And the name of his world. (Which is bad, but anyway) I don't have a last name for Marland, but I do have a name for his homeworld and the place that he grew up in. o_____o;; I hadn't realised I had all this extra information.


lucathia_rykatu January 7 2011, 05:37:36 UTC
Maybe I should tag mine with my fandoms. I didn't do that with previous years. XD

I should make such a list too. They're just like my plotbunnies. I never jot them down, so I end up forgetting!

I thought of the photoshoot part when I read some 1/2 Prince today (catching up with the translations). :D

That is true! I thought it was a very strange way of sorting, but then, it is a manhua series and not animanga. I usually never go to the misc category otherwise.

Makes sense. XD; I quite like having a small fandom in general, but one that's still active enough (but not so active that everyone has explored all the possibilities already XD;).

Hehehe. <3 I see a side story spawned from this. :D I sort of just imagined some random person asking the question, but one that was objective and sort of outside of the story.

So many details! :D what was he searching for while exploring? I'm kind of wondering about the title of the story now. XD


darkicedragon January 8 2011, 08:01:45 UTC
I didn't either. XD I shouldn't probably edit those as well.


:D Haha.

Yeeeep. Same here. =/

There's soooo much you can explore in 1/2 Prince! *grins* I don't think I'd be able to write about it all. XD Though, I guess I'm mostly focused on the NPCs so, yeah.

I'm not quite sure if my title works so well now. XD; Okay, I hadn't thought it was that good to start with anyway, but it's not as encompassing as I thought it had been.

Ronthar was searching for not quite adventure, but hm, searching for something that really captured his interest so much that it made him stay (He likes to wander around a lot. Think he and Puzz Fion [haha, oops] had explored the area around Ronthar's village really, really well by the time they left)


darkicedragon January 8 2011, 08:02:21 UTC
I should probably edit those as well. *facepalm*


lucathia_rykatu January 9 2011, 00:19:14 UTC
I was browsing your plunnies list just now. XDD Looks like there are even more 1/2 Prince ones on there now! *flails* The NPCs are a lot of love though, so of course you'd want to write about them. =P And now there's even that... clam thing. (It has a cute face, hehe)

I wondered if the title had anything to do with searching for a way back, or searching for comradeship. :3 I like the title! It has a nice ring to it, and well, made me wonder. XD


darkicedragon January 12 2011, 05:54:47 UTC
XDD There's so much you can write about! So much you can explore, so many different characters you can have play off each other!

NPCs are totally love. :D ♥ And eeeeee, Rui is so cute when he's in his shell!



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