Okay, done one Yuletide prompt-thing, and have started a second (which seems like it could be faily long compared to how long I thought it was going to be), as well as having done one of three Misfits fic-ideas I have from
ravenspear. 8D I'm going to be so obvious when the fics go live for Yuletide, but hey, writings! Yey!
Oh, wow yesterday's Misfits episode made me laugh so much - because of Nathan, obviously. XDD It's made me very aware that I will never be able to hit the characters' speech patterns and just what they talk about exactly, but I hope I'll be able to at least make them sound familiar.
I was sure this episode was going to feature zombies, too. XDD And I have at least one more Misfits plotbunny. :3
I also saw some stuff that could be used for Simon/Nathan shipping. :3
Aaaand as soon as I make myself stop writing Searching, I start getting crowded by a need to write more. XDD; *flails*
Oh, and THE SNOW HAS CLEARED. THE SNOW HAS FINALLY FREAKIN' CLEARED!!! \o///////// Too bad this morning, it hadn't cleared enough so we had a whole lotta ice with water on top of it to slide on. DD: