
Dec 09, 2010 17:50

So I've been trawling the Yuletide spreadsheet for stuff I could possibly write for for the last little bit. I need to make a list of the stuff I need to write like burning, omg. Because I'll forget otherwise, and I need to write these, omg.

So, the list:
I have seven yuletide letters saved, some with more than one one fandom I want to write for in them.
ravenspear's Misfits prompt of Simon and Kelly being awesome and saving the day together
qem_chibati's 1/2 Prince prompt of Lolidragon - "honour amongst thieves"
Lightning Blade's 1/2 Prince continuation of 'Potion'
Tegami Bachi- The liar writer gets a break
The, what, at least seven extra scenes for Searching (which I also need to list out)?

Dammit, I need to be able to stop time! DD: And I'm sure I've forgotten some! Nooooo.

And ahaha~ 9k done for the 32nd part of Searching. XDD Argh, finish already so I can start on other writings!!

Later edit: Okay, I need to calm. The hell. Down.

All these thoughts about writing has gotten me so bloody hyper that I can't concentrate and my thoughts keep bouncing around like a hyperactive kitten that's got sugar, fizzy drinks, a skateboard and a blood trampoline. Oh yes, you can tell I'm hyper because there's no way I'd've been able to get that kind of description out normally. eklajera.

*slowly approaches one writing project and begins planning*

Even later edit: Ah, I get why I was getting blocked on the prompts earlier now: I was still thinking with NaNo!brain. Which is good in some parts, because I can just spew out words without much thought, but it's also bad because I associated 'Words need to be done!' with 'massive word count! Must be epically long!' *facepalm*

I also forgot that I'm aiming for stocking fillers for the Yuletide stuff, so I don't have to aim for at least a thousand words. The rest of the writing stuff don't have a minimum word count either.

Oh, brain.

I have started writing for something, yeeeey! Unfortunately, 'Marland' and 'Shodin' keep floating in my head. I have a bad feeling I'm going to mess up characterisation.

But I'm not thinking about that! Must write first! Editing comes later! *gets back to scribbling*

It's... going to be interesting to see what I'm going to be like in... January? when Yuletide is over, I've hopefully finished my NaNovel, and I've bashed my way through the other stuff. I'm going to have all this free time.

I already know what my New Year's resolution is going to be. 8D

general: checklist, writing: yuletide, fandom: tegami bachi, original: searching, general: obsessing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: misfits, writing, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: original fiction

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