*dances for joy* *dances for joy* *dances for joy*

Oct 19, 2010 13:10

Finally, finally, finally the 47th chapter for 1/2 Prince is out!

*snickers at Lan trying to run out the room*

Eeeeee! Nice splash page.

... That does not suit. XDD

... *raises eyebrows* That looks a hella lot better. Apart from the helm. And possibly the shoulder guards. But damn do I like the gloves, boots and robe.

*laughs* A bit hard to walk in then? XDD

XDD Aaah~. But, shouldn't she have noticed the weight when she was standing?

Huh. So, there's possibly more bugs? Creating god classes?

"God! Is it so hard to give me a girlfriend?"
XDD *laughs* Nice way to first see a character.

"I heard he fought mobs until his guts were falling out"
O____o Wow.

XDDD And Prince has yet another fan.

"How can such a beauty be a guy?!"
Obviously he hasn't seen the other guys in Infinite City. Wonder what he'd think of Yang Ming.

*cackles at Yang Ming flying in from the side*

"Don't come near my wife!"
"Who's your wife!?"
XDD Eeeee!

*snerk* Is everyone gonna be commenting on Prince's looks? XD
Or not. XDD

Should probably take note of the names. Winter Triumph and his sister Disi.

*raises eyebrows* So these are the people Yulian used to play with.

'Again with the princess?'
Er. 'Again'? I don't remember this being mentioned before...

"Winter Triumph and them are your subjects?"
O___O Huh. Is Yulian one too then?

Aaaah~ Doll looks so small compared to Wolf and Lolidragon!

Disi: "Hey! Do you think you're feeding a dog? That's my country's princess you're talking to!"
Doll: *bites the cookie*

Lolidragon: I think the reason Yulian joined Odd Squad is...
Lan: Because she saw Doll?
Ooo. And Yulian doesn't seem that happy in that panel.

I have a feeling I'm going to get some plotbunnies when the next chapter comes out. Eeeeee! :D

So, so happy that this is out. :D :D :D

I think I have a title for NaNo now: Searching. Not that interesting, but I think it's the best in the long run. I've started back on working on the plot, but... I'm not completely sure about working on it apart from in wide swaths because a few things depends on how Marland and Shodon get on with each other at the very start. Which I won't know completely because I haven't written it, and when I do write it, it won't go according to plan. XD;

I'm wondering if I should get involved with my region's regional war: it'll give me some more incentive to write, but I'm worried that it might take away some of the fun. =/

Also trying to think of incentives for me to write. Like, how do I reward myself if I write five-thousand words? What do I get if I reach 50k? I think one for 50k is if I get to it, I can binge on all the shows, anime and manga that I'll have missed while writing. But I want other incentives. X3; Any ideas?


XD Oh maaaan, this introductory scene.

"By four... then us two and... *cuts to Regis* Hmm~ *cuts to Rai* Eumm... I'm getting worried."
XD *laughs*

"I'm! Not Ikhan and..." 'What the hell am I saying?'

Wow. The person at the back looks like a female Frankenstein.

*blink* *stares at the table* *tilts head to the right* The table has Noblesse written on it...

*raises eyebrows at Jean* She knows she's going to become famous? Hmm. Guess this'll probably get shown in depth later.

XD Heh. The girls think Shinwoo and Ikhan are lying.

"Even the stuff about Headmaster Lee, don't tell me you weren't trying to be funny but telling the truth?"
*scrolls down a panel* *slow, slow grin* Lemme guess, there's four people walking up.

Ah, just Suyi and Yuna. So I'm guessing Frankenstein, and Rai and Regis'll come in separately. *anticipatory*

"Rai and Regis said they didn't know where this was so they asked us to take them there."
*howling laughter* Eeeeeeee!

XD Of course Seira would come.

"I am here as Regis' guardian."
Eeeeeeee! *spluttering laughter*

*flails* Noblesse never fails to make me giggle so, so hard. :D Waaaa~ Now to wait another week!

original: searching, fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing, writing: nanowrimo, fandom: 1/2 prince, fandom: original fiction

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