
Aug 14, 2010 09:39

Have now finished Forests of the Nights. X3 My comment earlier about a Skullduggery Pleasant crossover can be partically ignored because, omg, after that, I think Nohar would believe anything. XDD A walking skeleton that's been around for over a hundred years? No problem.

So now to start back with the planning for Through New Eyes. :DD

Have thought up a bad guy. Have changed the setting yet again so that Alex (who still needs a new name) doesn't get dropped right into a forest (and possibly may just be dumped right on the magic guild's doorstep). Am just going to Schizo Tech the world. :P

... Am, right at this moment, wondering if I should change Richard into a dragon-hybrid and have magic being exclusive to only dragon-hybrids. Ooooooo...

fandom: golden sun, fandom: moreau series, writing: nanowrimo, fanfic: through new eyes

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