
Jul 03, 2010 04:02

So, it's three in the morning and I can't get back to sleep. Been a while since I've been here, I think. Anyway, yesterday I got home around eight, puttered about online, and then just fell right asleep. I was so tired.

I got on the bus at the same time but ended up arriving at the campus at quarter-past-eight. I started plotting a scene for Late Nights (the Lan/Gui, which may not be romance -___- Argh...) and then got blindsided by another plotbunny. This one should only be three-hundred words, tops. Should, but we'll see how it goes.

I went to a presentation at half-nine about using reflection to increase academic skills, and because one person who was presenting couldn't make it, the other three extended their time. So then, by the time the first person had finished, if I went to the Death by Powerpoint presentation, that would have finished too. :( Aww.

After the refreshments, I went to a session about giving effective feedback. The first person's powerpoint slides had a white background... with light blue text. D: You could barely see it.

X3 The two presentations were fairly similar but the second one was cool because they were able to maintain the higher grades achieved.

They're run a little over the time, and then the chair stood up to say that if we didn't want to be late to the third presentation, we'd have to go now. I was confused, because I was sure that it was time for lunch now, and that this session only had two presentations in it. We left the room and the floor was entirely empty, including the reception area, which I found really odd, since we'd been told that there had to be at least two people manning it at all times. I sat down there while people walked into the big lecture theatre and then checked the timetable. 'Closing remarks'. Whoops. I was able to get in and sit down before the talk started.

There were a few prizes given out, one for the best poster and one for the bottle of whisky. I think people were disappointed that they didn't have a chance to win it because a number of people were putting in their forms after the talk (it was a form asking them how the conference helped them, their colleages, and/or their student's learning). Then the talk went on to thank people. And the helpers were thanked before the organisers. And we had a pretty enthusiastic applause. O___o It was so weird because, all we'd done, really, was sit around and if anyone came up to ask a question, most of the time we'd be going to the organisers to find out the answer.

Lunch was after, but I didn't have any of it. The spread looked amaaaazing though. Didn't have any of it because me and my boyfriend were going to Jimmy Chung's afterwards. XD I had sooo much of the dessert there.

*goes off to make tea*

Was reading through the manhua again, to go check details for Late Nights. And gah, set the fic at the wrong time and unless there's time travel involved, it can't happen. So, more revision again. Or just making things more vague.

I also got two more plotbunnies. *head on desk* There's soo stuff that you can write about!

general: work, fanfic: late nights, general: sleep, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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