
Jul 01, 2010 21:29

A reviewer thanked me for writing so many Kenshin and Sunshine fics, and I was happy. :) And then, me being me, I checked out the actual number.

So, I've written seventeen 1/2 Prince fics. ... Okay, that's a huge amount of fics for the one fandom for me. Anyway, I've written seventeen 1/2 Prince fics and out of that seventeen, nine have Kenshin and Sunshine in it (possibly ten, if we include Research), in one shape or another. I've posted seven/eight of those fics up on ffnet, and I've got a total of ten 1/2 Prince fics up there.

XDDD That's huuuuuge.

The Kenshin chapter was posted in May, 2009, and my first Kenshin fic was in September. I'd written six fics before that, and after that, I have *counts* ... one fic that doesn't have Kenshin or Sunshine in it, and that was the fic written right after my first Kenshin fic.

Why, no, I don't think my obsession is showing in the slightest, why do you ask? XDDD

I've finished another Arctic Fox fic, though it's pretty... useless? Pointless? Plotless? It's for a prompt at halfprince_fics, which is why it's still getting posted. Just maybe not up on ffnet.

Today, I brought my notebook, which was why I was able to finish the Arctic Fox fic. And formulate a bit more of plot/plan for the Lan/Gui fic. I'm failing spectacularly at the fic though, in terms of romance. =/ Gah. Neither of these have titles yet.

I forgot to say yesterday - there was a box of brain sweets at the reception table. X3

Anyway, we started at half-nine, but the people were a bit worried when it seemed like only one of the coaches had arrived when they were waiting for two. I think it was just late.

I went to one presentation at ten, about self-assessment. Dunno, was just expecting more from it. The guy found that people who usually got low marks tended to overestimate their marks, while people who usually got high marks tended to underestimate their marks. When the floor got opened up, it was pointed out that, in some cases, the people who usually get low marks can only think of going up and vice versa. There was also a lecturer-bais pointed out, where, even though the participants were given the criteria that the marker would use, other research had shown that the marker didn't use the criteria well either. Also, the differences in self-assessment and what the marker gave could also be explained in that the self-assessment could be more accurate, because they don't have perceptions of other's essays (the example was what the lecturer saw a good essay in comparison to the previous essays in the pile, they were really happy and then gave high marks). Which is really bad when you think about it, because you (least, I did) always think that the mark you get is definitive and just, That's What Your Mark Is. But, as always, everything's relative.

Went back to reception and then looked at the books in the exhibition room. I think I'll be buying a couple of them tomorrow (one's about employability, and the others are about 'madness', three for two offer so...). And then there was refreshments.

This time there was blueberry muffins too! :D I tried the tea but didn't like it. I think I just wasn't used to it - I normally have Tetley, and I think that way Earl Grey. Also tried the Danish pastry and it was okay. Talked a little to my supervisor during that point. :3

The other helpers were getting really bored so they started to play naughts and crosses in their handbook. When they got tired of that, they started playing squares. XDD They were drawing the dots when I left, and it seemed like they were planning on using an entire page.

After that, I went to a panel about applying what's been found in psychology to helping students learn. That was interesting. I didn't know what the difference between a panel and a presentation was. There were four people at the front and they all in turn stood up and told us what their background was, and then they went around again, and talked about what they'd done to apply psychology to learning contexts. The second person talked about Death by Powerpoint (which, now, I'll be going to her presentation tomorrow to see it) and how people couldn't concentrate for more than twenty minutes, and it's no good having loads and loads of text on the powerpoint because we can't divide our attention that well.

The next person? Had a powerpoint. And wall'o'texts. We laughed. And, just, omg, her points were so true. Having that much text was distracting, and he skipped some parts, so I'd be trying to find where I was supposed to be reading, and I wasn't all that interested anyway... I eventually just listened to him and ignored the powerpoint.

The floor was then opened up and there was a fair bit of discussion going about. Though I got a little confused by some apparent non sequiturs because I couldn't understand why some people were bringing up certain points that I didn't think were relevant. Or I just didn't join the dots.

After that was lunch. The lunch was sooo much better than yesterday's. :3 There were bread pizzas (some were normal cheese and tomato, others had... other stuff on them. One had green stuff on it - I tried it and it was kinda salty), sorta-sushi (except totally not; they were just in the shape of sushi. The main bit was in a swirl shape, made out of something that looked like thin nan bread, and the fillings were... interesting. One of them was curry. K described another as smelling like cat food), and rectangular sandwiches (and whoever made them really like mustard, wow). All the orange juice was gone before anyone went to the apple juice jug. XD

I went to see the posters because one of my lecturers was up, except he wasn't there. The person he was working with was there though and two of the other helpers were there talking to her. I just listened in mostly, because they were talking about forensic psychology, which I hadn't taken. At the end, she was talking to me and G, both graduates, and she asked us what we were planning. I was really surprised that she knew my name since I hadn't taken her modules. When I wondered about that out loud to G when we were walking about to reception, he said, 'Because she read your name tag?' Cue mental *facepalm*. XDD

I was laughing when we got back and K said that we shouldn't be having fun. I quipped, 'Oh no, don't worry - I embarrassed myself'.
'Ah, that's okay then.'

Oh, that squares game that'd been started just after refreshments? They'd only just finished it before lunch. H won by twenty-ish squares, if I remember right. XDD

I wasn't interested in any of the presentations for this sessions so I just wrote fanfic. :3 The others were playing with their phones.

More refreshments! Brownies and some sort of... cookie thing. It was the fluffly, thick kind that just crumbled when you bit into it. The brownie was So Rich. I ended up getting a cup of milk just to finish it. The cookie thing had oranges in it.

Had a bit of a conflict after the refreshments because three of us wanted to go to one presentation, and two of us had to be at the reception. I opted out since it wasn't something I absolutely had to see.

While waiting, two of the organisers were wanting hot drinks from the vending machine and they called us over, asking how to work it since they'd put in money but when they pressed the button, nothing happened. I came over, and while the other person was showing where they were pressing, I pushed right in between where she'd pressed and the machine started working.

But to be fair, the button wasn't lit up for them to press, and for some reason it's been designed so there are two icons right next to the button.

Also, the person selling Blackwells books gave us free books! They were sample books that they weren't taking back, so they gave them to us. One was Basic Vision, which we used in both third and fourth year, and some of the other stuff could be used for counselling or forensic psychology. So, yeah, one of us had some sixty/ninety pounds worth of books in his bag when leaving. XD

We got let out early too, because there was nothing else to do.

I had so many satsumas it was unbelieveable today. XD I had at least... three, and one orange. I took so long peeling the orange. XD

general: work, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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