(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 05:37

So apart from my conclusion, I think I've finished the edits for my lit. review. :3 Yey. Except I should probably get back to my cognitive neuroscience stuff which is for tomorrow...

Okay, so the prompt this week for tamingthemuse is compliance. I mean, come on, Ed and Al are in a hosptial! That's kinda all they're doing, complying to the doctors, but I can't get anything out! DD: Augh.

*head on desk* So it's a lot easier in Chinese when you're refering to someone and you don't have to think about their gender it seems. I have no idea if Lolidragon thinks of Prince as male or female. Because she knows that Prince is female but it's been months since then and, uh, yeah, that still wouldn't matter because she doesn't have to think of what pronoun to refer to Prince. Gaaaah. *headdesk* *headdesk* Nope, that didn't help.

At the moment, Sunshine seems to be hogging the spotlight. I mean, Lolidragon seems to be tripping over him in this scene; go trip over Kenshin at some point too, okay? Sunshine's been in three scenes so far, and Kenshin's been in one, and said a grand total of *checks* seven words. XD;; In the list of scenes I want to write for this, there's more about Sunshine than Kenshin.

I'd say I've got about 2,200 words done so far. And I have no idea where I am in the grand scheme of things. I'm kinda wondering if it's going to end up being Sunshine-centric before the touring, and then Kenshin-centric after. But then that's not fair, is it? It's like, he'd only be... uh, not exactly talking -and using the words 'hanging out' shouldn't be applied to Kenshin. Ever XDD- with! Lolidragon because Sunshine's gone, and not because he wants to. =/

fandom: naruto, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fanfic: step by little step, fanfic: fullmetal ninja, writing: crossover, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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