
Feb 26, 2010 05:08

Been up since 3:45. Gah. Tea time again.

Was debating between writing fanfic or doing more of honours, but I've found that my desk just can't really take the spread of paper that I need to put out to do it. XD;; So fanfic just for now. :3 I'd tried to do it a little bit yesterday for Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (Oda Suzuka) and then instantly started worrying, 'But what about the book? What if I try and explore something that gets explained in the book? DD:' So I'm either going to read the novel translation (which, it's only still on the first volume) or just go, 'Ah, screw it - it's manga-based, so I'm basing my info on what I've seen so far'. I've done that 1/2 Prince, so why is this one more problematic? I didn't really know that the novel existed then? There was more chapters to base my characterisations on?

So, since I had been thinking that, I started writing 1/2 Prince. Yey, Kenshin-centric <3. It's the one where I'm trying to work out how Kenshin became sentient because, you know, I wanted to write something easy. *headdesk* Just hope the fact that I'm listening to Skillet at the same time doesn't affect his characterisation... XD;; I noticed a slight tilt to what the ending could be when I started listening, and you know, I kind of have to make sure that Kenshin ends as the Kenshin we know. XD;;

fanfic: changes, general: sleep, fandom: psychic detective yakumo, fandom: 1/2 prince, writing

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